But i really needed to weed around the tomato plants today. I've been putting it off for too long. Every morning when i water the plants, i think that i just need to get in there and rip out the unwanted plants.
As the bush beside the tomatoes flowers, there seem to be more and more flying stinging things. Yesterday, i stood still ready to freak out while a big fat bee buzzed around my head. There i was, eyes scrunched together as tight as i could, making a "mmmmm" sound (sorta like your youngest did when i was cutting his hair, (e:Britian) ) ready to take off. Eventually (more like 3 seconds, even if it felt like an hour), i couldn't take it anymore. Off i ran, screaming. The neighbours probably thought i was on fire.
So, today, i went into the garden, knowing there would be flying stinging things.
I got some of the weeding done. The closer i got to the bush that is flowering, the more of a general buzz i heard. And the tighter the knot in my stomach got.
When a wasp (waaaaaaaaaay worse than bees) landed on a tomato blossom right next to my hand, that was it. Off i went. No more. I can finish tonight (i will do it with the porch light on in the dark if i have to!) or tomorrow morning.
Here are a few snaps of some of the first of our tomatoes. I am so looking forward to munching on them... they might even be worth the daily flying stinging thing traumas.

P.S. Many many thanks to my lovely and talented husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) for figuring out why this would not publish... ah, the ) after an (e:peep) problem yet again!
I'm definitely with you on the whole 'flying stinging things' thing. I once was stung on the tummy by a wasp - I killed the little bugger, but my tummy swelled up like a balloon and it hurt a LOT!
ack! bees! I feel ya.. although I surprised myself recently in not being as scared as I normally am-- usually I'd yelp and run too :O But I did have to stop what I was doing for the day, *shiver*.
Tomatoes are looking good. Nothing like the taste of home grown! Sadly, I did not grow anything edible this year. Oh wait, I did.. some herbs. But not tomatoes like I usually do :(
Hopefully you can work out a peaceful pact with the buzzing, stinging, flying things!
Help Paul!
I know how you feel. i spent some time writing it and it feels like i did nothing at all. and took no pictures...
I read the entry and it feels like I didn't read a thing