Today, i went for my second driving lesson. I figured i would need a few lessons -- maybe 3 or 4 -- and a lot of practice. I think i am an ok driver, considering i have been behind the wheel for about 4 hours, total, in my 38 years.
The appointment was 10am. My instructor came to get me and i drove from Bird, right onto Dewitt, right onto Forest and down past Grant, Elmwood and Lincoln Parkway and right onto Windsor. There, i did a pretty decent 3 point turn and an ok parallel park. We decided to do a second parallel without him telling me where to turn the wheel and when. I was a tiny bit too far from the car beside us, but he said we could manage it. I went up onto the curb, darn it. But i think i will get the hang of it.
I must say, i do like the way our little Prius handles better than the driving school car. But i digress....
We decided to drive some more. He said he noticed my right turns are better. Yay
(e:Uncutsaniflush) for his help during practices with that!
We made a left onto Forest and then a right onto Elmwood. The instructor and i both noticed the wheel noise was louder. So, up at Amherst, we pulled into the Sunoco. Yep, i flattened the rear right tire. I apologized, and he said it wasn't my fault. No ones, he said, his maybe... it happens. Even the service guy laughed and said it was unfortunate that it had to happen to me on my second lesson! *sigh*
Instructor had to cancel his next appointment, because the guy at the service center said it would take a little while. I didn't see the need to stand around and wait, it was obvious the lesson was over.
Funny thing, though. I did something this morning i rarely do. I didn't have my purse -- that big backpack of a purse i always have with me. I didn't have anything with me! Just my keys to the house, my learner's permit, sunglasses and his fee, which i had already given to him.
He gave me bus fare, so i hopped on a 20 Elmwood bus down to Bird. I got off the bus and since the bus didn't pull over to the curb, i had to hop out of the way of a car that quickly pulled up beside the bus to park. While doing that, i twisted my ankle in a pothole and went, face first into the road. Thank goodness the car was mostly stopped, or he would have run me over. But, i did get a nasty scrape on my knee. It's still a bit black from the asphalt, despite the cleaning i tried to give it. And it burns.
Oh, and i still had about a mile to walk. And, no, i was NOT wearing comfortable walking shoes. So, every bend of my knee felt like skin was ripping and the blood was dripping down my leg. I was an attractive sight.
So, at about Baynes, two guys sitting on their porch start trying to chat me up. Asking me if i am single. WTF? I so rarely get hit on, i can count the times... like, twice. So? What's the deal? Do they think i am one of the many hookers in the area and since i have a scrape on my knee, i will be willing to give a blow job anywhere?!?
So, tomorrow, i have another lesson. One i don't have to pay for since i didn't get the entire lesson today.
Oh... and before i forget. Happy Birthday
Oh... and since i started typing this i have been on hold and disconnected from Time Warner 3 times! They say we didn't pay our bill... but we didn't GET a bill to pay!
What a day!!
umm, ouch!