What was the Media Deli thinking. I went in there the other day and ate some delicious cheesecake for $1.65 but other than that the food is so any pizza place.

I mean I haven't tasted the pizza or wings but that the same exact food is attainable at the Anchor Bar and directly across the other street at the North Street Subway shop - not to mention Just Pizza right down North Street and Jim's Steakout on Allen and Destiny Pizza only two block downtown on Main Street.
I wonder if they picked American food with the hope of appealing to Americans when I think, in reality, they would make more money not serving ethnic food with a name like Medina Deli.
It is especially weird because buffalo doesn't seem to really have an Arab fast food place. Every other big east coast city seems to have lots of Arab food, not to mention Europe. I think when I was in Germany I ate ore Turkish food than German food, lol.
Well, I hope they change before they end up closing or that a lot of people decide they need their pizza.
Side notes - At Destiny Pizza they carry Crystal Beach Loganberry. I used to love Loganbery at Crystal Beach

Why is here still this dead zone on Main Street right next to the Buffalo Niagara Medical Complex. Everything else there seems to be doing so good and it just seems desolate. Is this building full of asbestos or something? At one point I heard a rumor that the tapestry High School was buying it?

This morning had some serious thunder storms, just look at those storm clouds.

So (e:james) throws dead cats.
Damn shame that Medina Deli is just the typical pizza and subs fare.
I got caught in the storm. On my way back from the bakery. (e:Uncutsanilfush) had to get in the car and rescue me, otherwise, i would have come home with soggy buns! And it was still raining a few hours later when i went for my driving lesson. He thought i was driving slow like an old lady because of conditions!! ha ha ha!!!
Seriously. I can't throw a dead cat down the street without it landing in front of a pizza/sub place. Now, I like pizza and subs are ok. But sweet Jesus a little variety would be nice.
we sell crystal beach loganberry at eckered. Well we did, I don't know if we carry it now that we are RiteAid , i acutally dont' think we do