I know you can't bring stuff with you to the next life but it is so sad to be the last person in your friend and family line to the point where everything is just for sale. Like people were going through all of his most personal stuff, photos, diaries, etc. I felt so temporary for the moment.
I wondered if he was gay because of the lack of any feminine stuff in his bedroom or anywhere really and the thought that there must not be any children or they would want he stuff in his office, his christmas ornaments, etc.
I think if I were a doctor there was a lot of vintage medical stuff I would be interested in purchasing just for nostalgia sake. His house doubled as his office.
The basement really got to me - I thought, you know what, all those stupid nuts and bolts I placed carefully in jars the other day are probably just going to end up at my estate sale. I almost wanted to buy his jars just because I appreciated his hard work so much.

It all kind of made me feel sick.
i appreciate those jars of nuts and bolts... and if i went to this estate sale without lauren i would have been tempted to buy some....
Well that is exactly the opposite of what the Egyptions thought, hey maybe they are the ones who are right there is no way to know. But on the other side of things there is a line from a Papa Roach song that If I remember it right goes "But the things you own, own you" , "Take my Money, Take My possesions Take my obbessions" "I don't need that shit". I could have sworn a couple years latter I saw him on cribs with a lot of nice stuff. So I'm kinda showing that it is a great thought but often it doesn't really work.
maybe you guys should be preaching tomorrow!
I went to one too, on Lafayette. This was not so personal, but it was sad anyway. But it was very liberating for me to think about the fact that I won't need *anything* when I die. Why collect trifles which will end up in a huge garbage dump anyway?
I think a huge portion of my loathing for any more furniture or knick-knacks or in fact, anything that will take up space in my apartment, comes from my personal (and vicarious) moving experiences, but a tiny part of it comes from seeing so many things just lying out in the open in yard sales, garage sales, on the sidewalk - neglected and unwanted.
What is life? It is but a vapor that appears for a short time and then vanishes away.