We made our annual trek to Jabe Pond in the Adirondacks followed by The Ledges in Vermont. We had to forgo, the usual trip to Rock River in Vermont because this year we didn't have as much time as usual due to Dave's work schedule.
The weather was fabulous. It was between 80-90 the whole time with no rain. In fact the only wetness we encountered that was not in the form of a swimming hole, was the dew this morning on the field we camped in Vermont on our way home.
The first part of the week we stayed at our usual get away at Jabe Pond. According to some nudist book that Dave has from the 80s, it is a nudist place. We hardly ever see anyone there besides the odd fisherman and I have never seen a nudist there but since there is no one else there...
Here we are launching our canoes in order to canoe out the the campsite which is on an island.
The campsite is great. It is really isolated and yet big enough of an island to make a great campout.
We canoed and swam a lot. It was the perfect weather for both and thanks to SPF 45 sun screen no one got burned this year.
We ate heathy things like watermelong
and tasty things like organic peppered bacon. I freakin' love bacon.
We swam and canoed a lot. I think this is the only time I really full on swam this whole summer which is sad. Every other time we tried to go, the beach here on Lake Erie was closed for pollution.
We swam so much that
(e:terry) got goggle burn at one point.
We all had this ridiculous euro trunks

, which were believe it or not, the only swimming-like gear we found left at Walmart. I guess it is the end of the season and Walmart was all that was around at the time of purchase. I mean they look like we ordered them out of a gay fashion swimsuit catalog. Apparently, they are popular I searched on Men's Underwear and Swimwear Guide

and found this thread with some other pics of people wearing

at USG
We sat around a lot and relaxed.
At night time we sat around some more. Our friend Dave is obsessed with having fires. Even though it was like 80-90 degrees the whole time I think if we had gone along with it, he would have had a campfire 24/7. I am one of those people that like to only have a campfire when I am cooking or freezing. Sometime at night for a bit. But honestly, I hate all the smoke that comes with drunk people making fires. Eventually, he or someone else throws in leaves or bark or something stupid liek pine needles and we all almost die of smoke inhalation for five minutes. Same with wet wood.
Someone else before us started a mini forest fire. That scares the hell out of me. I can only imagine drunk people not payig attention to their fire as it spreads across the dry pine needle floor. The picture really doesn't do the burn hole justice. It was about 8 feet across and about 2 feet deep.
We collected far too much firewood. We honestly only used a tiny portion of this but we collected it all first. I guess after the bad weather last year we were just cautious.
At night I discovered that my camera took pictures in High ISO mode which allow sit to virtually see daylight at nightitime.
Here is a picture before using high ISO mode.
I am not sure what high iso mode is as it normally can be dialed up to ISO 1600 but then there is high ISO after that. Why not have a number associated with it. Is it 3200 ISO? It is a bit grainy but wow, this is the same picture, same lighting in high ISO mode.
Here is the campfire in high ISO.
Here is a cool pic
(e:matthew) took using my camera. He used the light from a torch to make the glow behind
Apparently, it made him very happy.
The next day we swam and canoed so much more. I actually got tired from swimming but it was hard to stop knowing it probably would be one of the last times I got to swim this summer.
We were on our way to go to the swam where we saw a snapping turtle last year, when
(e:matthew)'s camera broke.
It just stopped taking pictures like normal. It kind of reminded me when my Nokia 7710 camera's died
(e:paul,32341) Here he looks sad.
(e:terry) doesn't just hide behind curtains in the living room.
Beer booty.
Huh? tony misses it? signing up for the Y?!
I'm confused... tony you're still at roswell, right?!
Remember, you're not allowed to complain after signing up for the Y. ;)
Here's something sick.... I miss it. I miss workin' really late and getting stuff done.
Hey, not only do we work a block away, we also live a block away!
and I just spent a month on my life merely a block away! :) (Didn't get anything done today *and* a million things need to be done)
And since I don't want to be a total contrast - I love skype too - such good call quality for rocking prices!