All of a sudden (e:enknot) busts out with "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU YOUR CRAZY PSYCHO, YOU ARE A FREAK, YOU ARE A FREAK!!"
I love it when people get in the face of religious weirdos getting in their face. She started screaming back about how he was crazy or something. I am so sick of the way those Scientology freaks on Main Street in Buffalo, New York rule the sidewalks there. Anytime I have to walk down main street I have to cross the street to avoid being harassed by them in their big yellow tent. There is a picture of it at the Bush Protest from 2004 on the news journal from the protest (e:news,29822)
I think it should be illegal for them to set up on the street the way they do. Eventually, it is going to cause an accident when someone gets hit by a car trying to avoid them by crossing or walking in the street.
He is some info about their presence in Buffalo

What is the deal with all their crosses. At first I kind of assumed they were christians of some sort but then I read this

So what is the deal with the crosses? This is their official site with pictures of their building on Main Street in Buffalo New York

Apparently, they even harass children

All I can say is that like any religious group that is secretive and close knit - they scare the fuck out me like children of the corn

I think this letter is the best

UPDATE - I found this later

They stalk people who criticize them as well. Scientology is a made up religion, bottom line. Its inherently dangerous. Oh, by the way, did you know that the "church" essentially has ranks of knowledge where the more you pay, the farther along you go? Some of this "knowledge" requires a $100k+ payment. No wonder celebrities love this garbage - their wealth and status allows for them to be seperated from the riff raff in ways that legitimate religions would NEVER consider.
Seriously, fuck Scientology.
well said (e:enknot), they are freak freak freaky - lukily there aren't many in the UK but they are in all the big cities now and they piss me off with their theta alien posession crap.
LOL. (e:Enknot) = Unexpected quotes + hilarity! I had the same woman come up to me when I was here, apartment hunting with my friend from Rochester. We thought it was awfully odd. But then, since no one else on main street looked like they had spare time to talk to us, we totally cashed in on the fact that she approached us and quizzed her thoroughly about the general safety, housing, groceries around all the neighbourhoods around Main St. I think we bored her so much that she inched away from us apologizing about lack of time or some such excuse. At one point, my friend and I almost chased her down one street and kept saying, "Ma'am, one last question."
i agree, they are freaks. can we put them in a bubble and send them out to space??? perhaps they can then find the rest of their kind.
As I drove (e:Jim) home he told me the story while we drove by the Scientology building. (e:enknot) is one hilarious gent.
She was telling us we should have respect for other people while at the same time accosting us.