I went to Panaro's on Delaware for lunch with (e:enknot) and (e:terry). It was delicious, I don't know how I never saw it before. Plus the blond waitress we had was awesome. I would recommend that place anyday - the prices were very reasonable. I think it may be one of my new favorite places. I wish I took pictures but I forgot that I had my camera back. It is weird to have it back after it been broken and then gone for so long.
We cleanup up the yard at the rental property today. I can't believe how tall the weeds got in such a short amount of time.
There were so many daisies and other weeds.

The prickery weeds had wood like roots.

I found this weird witches broom in the backyard of the property. I wonder if my tenants made it?

It looked nice when we were done.

It looks like Medina Deli over on North and Main is almost ready. I am so excited to see something be on that corner. It has come such a long was see we did public transphere a couple years back. At that time it looked like the bombed out shell of a building.

Now the question is what will happen with the yellow mansion at 23 North. It is the last thing waiting to be redone. There has been a big sign out front that said apartments were coming soon since last season but it has remained boarded up and they haven't done any work over the entire summer which is not a good sign. I remember when (e:matthew) wanted to buy it and we took a tour with the realtor (e:paul,32592) . Man that place was disgusting.
Ridiculous Rant You Can Just Ignore
Okay, this is ridiculous - I am really not poor - but I am sad I am not going to Hutches tonight because I am "too poor". I wanted to go to Hutches with (e:imk2) and her boyfriend and (e:terry) said we are too poor because he spent all our money on pharmacy school. I know, I know - money that will turn into more money - but not right now while I want to go to Hutches. It is like the one restaurant I have never been to and everyone raves about it. After writing that I feel like someone should kill me but - damn it - I really wanted to go to Hutches. Okay, enough of that drama.
Funny how geographicly small Buffalo is and yet i feel like that area, by North and Main, is my old neighbourhood. Almost as though it is so far away now. And i can't even remember what was on any corners! Must be age...
Your tenants (or whomever made it) are probably Potter fans gearing up for the book release tonight...