I hate being sick in the summer. It really sucks. My throat and sinuses are all swollen and I have a massive headache, blah.
In order to feel better I made myself some clam and crab soup. I am really seafood obsessed. At the coop they have frozen baby clams for $2.99 a pack. They are quite tasty and make a great addition to soup and are quite pretty.

I think it is much better to eat the abby clams because compared to say cherry stone clams, the meat is about the same size, but the shell is tiny. And who needs all that extra shell to discard.

There is this really pretty beetle that is killing all our hollyhocks. They eat all the leaves, to the point where the hollyhocks didn't bother flowering this year.

My mother send my fur-E wallet back to me. I am using it as my normal waller now.

(e:terry) and I met (e:enknot) and megan for lunch on friday at Brodo. I had one of their yummy italian sausage focaccia pizzas.

It was good but I was so jealous of meagan who got the shrimp salad.

Afterwards I got a cinco from Spot. It is quite possibly the tastiest drink I ever had.

This weekend someone also stole of the people who works at the church's bike. Another girl who works there saw saw black dude leaning on the girls bike with his hand behind him. She didn't realize however, that he was cutting the chain. I found the chain aroudn the corner. Goes to show you that chain type locks are useless.

At 2:30am (e:oda) showed up on friday night to give her friend a tour of the house and hang out. I thought the days of 2:30 am visits were over now. I took this picture of our fireplace then.

hey paulsy. cameras got back!
you went back to the evil dentist! NO PAUL NO!!!!!
Ya it's funny - what used to be a whistle is now a USB keychain drive.
Nice candy raver wallet. Someone might think your selling E. I have a monkey sweatshirt and someone mistook me for a drug dealer once for some reason. Your camera takes great pics, glad you got it back.