If you haven't seen it and you care:
I've had odd nightmares about this commercial.
Not that I'm scared of the little deviant guys...it's more so the cross-eyed sheep people.
That and world of warcraft.
Really...it's weird.
Well...it took me nearly five times to figure out that this was a scion commercial. Really, the car and the SCION.COM just flew over my head the first four times.
But anyway, after making this discovery, I decided, "Hey, why not?" and I headed off to the Scion website.
I was a little dissapointed to find that the site is not as "little deviant" oriented as i had hoped. But either way....eh...
So as I perused through the....*interestingly* skinned cars I noticed a window on the side of the page.
It was music player filled with folders of mixed cds people had apparently sent in for some...contest? I'm not sure.
So I decided to listen to the Intro song of each.
I had a nice little suprise to hear one chant "BUFFALO....NEW YORK!"
I looked into it a little and found out that the cd was made by someone named DJ Cutler in a (I quote) "Buffalo-based group called Pseudo Slang."
Who would've known?!
I'm not sure if changes my view on the Yaris commercial at all though.
I like the name of your title "Iron Brace". It makes me want to read it. The synopsis sounds really good too.
Sorry to hear about your nano... If you makes you feel any better, my book is a zombie story. Real original, right? No, it's not.
I tried this year. I did. I re-opened a novel I wanted to write years ago when I thought it was a good idea. In the end, I knew it was going to just be 60 pages of sex and gore. And why rewrite Clive Barker?
Soon as I get an idea, I'll share. Right now, I got nothing.