Paul's Journal
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07/06/2007 21:37 #39974
Programming for the iphoneCategory: programming
So anyways it gets worse. Not only can you only email photos via email. You can email only one photo per email. Basically, this translated to one picture per mobile entry from the iphone. And to make it even more ridiculous every attachment is named photo.jpg so that when they arrive the new ones were replacing the old ones.
I ended up writing a script that would take the file name and add part of the title after talking with (e:jim) about it. But as he pointed out, although I was able to script around it - what about all the grandmothers saving pictures of there grandkids all named photo.jpg. They will end up just replacing all the old photos.
Who the fucks decision was this. I think they should be fired.
07/06/2007 02:28 #39942
Send via my cell phone with emailCategory: mobile

I believe it works now. (e:jim) just make sure you have it setup in your mobile control panel and use the old instructions.
oops. that was supposed to be a postit, not a comment.
hey paul. for whatever reason posts i email from my computer will post, but posts from my phone, using the same email account/settings, won't. hmm. i'll keep playing.
but the other thing- I don't get text notifications of postits any more. I used to, but now I don't. i tried leaving the carrier as tmobile, but also tried ATT and cingular, but none of 'em worked. just fyi.
07/04/2007 22:05 #39917
Dinner in the glass castleCategory: food
First, at Walgreens they have these ridiculous "signature hounds" that people are supposed to want for collecting graduation signatures. Isn't that what year books are for? Imagine having to store a yearbook and a giant signature hound in your memory box.

We had my parents over for dinner on the porch. We would have eaten in the backyard but the weather made that no so possible. Plus its so fun to have other people desire what we are eating.
It is nice to eat with the family.

The organic cherries at the coop were so darn yummy.

They had these cards asking how much money you spent at local business today or something. What the frick are you supposed to write on this? I mean I am all about local business but this is too much.

My mother made the yummiest BLT dip. It was very bacontastic.

We bought some cakes at Dolci on Elmwood. I love that place. One was lemon and one was rum cassata.

And we ate crab legs

I really had so much to say when I started this but decided that none of it was appropriate ;(
wow, that signature dog was more than enough for a single post. But that meal looks damn fine. Damn, damn fine.
Damn, damn, damn fine.... I should probably go eat breakfast.
thanks for making my dreams come true paul, haha!
Look at you gluttons in that glass house eating crab legs and rich cakes.
i like that table, where'd you get it???? miss me yet?
07/01/2007 17:10 #39877
Mobile DumpCategory: mobile
When walking to thursday in the square with (e:eknot) the other week I saw this sign on La Lunas while we were buying Italian sausages (the food) outside. That is a serious amount of regulations.

I found some pics I actually took at Gay Pride in Toronto with my phone. Too bad I accidentally took them in black and white mode.

The food I ate in toronto was so yummy. Something with dried appricots, watercress and chicken in a grand marnier sauce. Yum!

We now only go grocery shopping once a month, its getting ridiculous how much we buy at once.

The roses in the backyard are pretty, they would be much prettier with the Nikon camera.

Here are some leftovers from when (e:matthew) and I went to San Francisco back in March.
I was amazed at how overflowing the park trash was in San Francisco. There are some things that make having a booming population not so great.

When in San Francisco I saw these drips grafittied on a wall. I really like the style.

It is so simple, look at it up close. From further away they look wet.

Here we have (e:matthew) eating shrimp at the San Francisco airport. We splurged figuring it might be our last meal ever.

(e:matthew), you are a fatass, and you should really reconsider your diet choices.
07/01/2007 14:07 #39874
Reduce, reuse, recycleCategory: buffalo

After we went to Buffalo ReUse

I can't believe how many houses are awaiting demolition in our city.
Organizational Overview
Buffalo ReUse, Inc. is a new not-for-profit organization committed to developing the practice of deconstruction to create a community minded alternative to demolition. In Buffalo, there are estimates that between 10 and 20,000 structures await demolition and the city has tentative plans to demolish 1,000 houses a year indefinitely. Deconstruction, the careful disassembly of a building in the opposite order that it was originally created, is the vehicle for diverting reusable materials from the landfill; providing a source of high quality materials for homeowners; providing meaningful job opportunities; and creating positive changes in the neighborhoods in which we work.

Looks like they are just starting but there is a similar place in Rochester that seems more established

We also went and took a look at the building being demolished on Delaware near Niagara Square that (e:metalpeter) wrote about the other day.

Nice post title. Bob the Builder would be proud.
I know this is kinda gonna sound kinda wrong but I have to say it. I wish I had time to watch more of the distruction. Now from reading your post I take it that there would be a way of pulling a place a apart where some of the stuff could be reused. But that being said visualy it is cool to watch a building being smashed apart. Maybe it is something visceral or grunt like not sure. I'm not sure how long I could really watch it. But I have seen a house torn apart and it is amazning how small it makes a house look. Not sure what is so interesting about it. I think it might be like when you pass an acident how you have to watch and see what happendend and look at the carniage.
oh yeah- and i still can't mobl-post, even when I fix the caps in the password.
yeah it's a little retarded.
I just sent a message to the 'iphone feedback' page with like 16 things I want them to fix. Mostly minor stuff like that, that seems like a stupid oversight and I would think should be easily correctable in a quick little software update. (i hope).