It is weird to go to see a giant gay pride festival in a futuristic city where most gay rights issues have been resolved. There was lots of crazy stuff to see and lots of tasty food.
That being said, I hate big cities. We almost killed each other on Saturday night as we were all so frustrated with crowds and what to do, etc. It is unreal crowded and overpopulated in Toronto. I could never live like that. The whole time I kept asking myself what would make it worth it to live in such a polluted, overpopulated place with personal space invading chinese women.
I can't believe how okay asian woman were with touching and pushing me to try and get around/ in front of me. I am tall and you can't see, I don't fucking care - I waited two hours for this spot, and I really don't want you to touch me. They would just nudge and push and elbow and wiggle. One woman just kept putting her elbow in my side and pushing constantly so she could cut me and get upfront.
Apparently, the chinese have a hard time understanding lines.
To establish the norm of waiting in line in public places, the Beijing government annunced on Thursday that the 11th day of every month will be the official "wait-in-line day."
So back to the women, I just held my ground but eventually I was so sick of it I decided to up the battle. I ended up just turning towards woman so that in order to push wiggle around me, she would have to deal with my penis being all up on her - she was at about that height where it should have just freaked her the hell out. I thought, "This will definately stop her"
Nothing made this woman stop.
Finally, I was so sick of being pushed around that I elbowed her back in the side of the head and left the front row of watching the parade. It was mean but satisfying.
Living - They have like 7,000 of those new glass sky palaces they are trying to build all over Buffalo, it sees like everyone must live in a highrise.
Not having a camera with me was the most painful experience. I saw so much blogworthy stuff but none of it got recorded ;(
A land with most gay rights issues solved -
The focus of Gay Pride politics in Ontario now seems to be on transgender and adoptive rights.
Who am I to say what is acceptable or not but I am not in favor of tax payers paying for gender modification surgery. Then again I am not Canadian and we don't have socialized medicine.
Someone is going to blast me for this but it seems so unnecessary and that people should just learn to comfortable being what they are.
On one hand we, as gays, we fight so hard to get people to believe we should be able to be the way we are because we were born that way, but then transgendered people make being born a certain way a disposable, correctable situation.
I found this pic on Flickr when searching unde the tag "Toronto Pride 2007" I wanted to take a pic of it myself but I had no camera.
There was tons of commercial marketing. Look at how all the motorola boys looks the same. They are marketing the motorola red phone. They gave out tattoos so that other people could tattoo themselves with the motorola logo. At first I thought, who would do that, but a lot people did it. I a constantly amazed at people willingness to make themselves into advertising surfaces at no charge.
i doubt it.
On the way home I was listening to streaming radio on the notPhone and I was wondering if the iPhone can stream radio over iTunes.