When walking to thursday in the square with (e:eknot) the other week I saw this sign on La Lunas while we were buying Italian sausages (the food) outside. That is a serious amount of regulations.

I found some pics I actually took at Gay Pride in Toronto with my phone. Too bad I accidentally took them in black and white mode.

The food I ate in toronto was so yummy. Something with dried appricots, watercress and chicken in a grand marnier sauce. Yum!

We now only go grocery shopping once a month, its getting ridiculous how much we buy at once.

The roses in the backyard are pretty, they would be much prettier with the Nikon camera.

Here are some leftovers from when (e:matthew) and I went to San Francisco back in March.
I was amazed at how overflowing the park trash was in San Francisco. There are some things that make having a booming population not so great.

When in San Francisco I saw these drips grafittied on a wall. I really like the style.

It is so simple, look at it up close. From further away they look wet.

Here we have (e:matthew) eating shrimp at the San Francisco airport. We splurged figuring it might be our last meal ever.

(e:matthew), you are a fatass, and you should really reconsider your diet choices.