I really want an iPhone. I mean the iPhone seems like the next logical step in my mobile addiction but without 3rd party app support it is so gimped. It can't SSH into my web server, which is the most important task that all of my mobile devices back to the first T-mobile Sidekick Iin 2002 could do
Considering that the iPhone is running OS X (ya right) why can't they thrown in a terminal emulator.
I guess maybe they will add it and surely people will hack it.
I think AJAX, CSS, HTML development is really stupid on a mobile device with a gimped data plan, AT&T/cingular edge is so slow compared to what I am used to on Sprint. It's like a step backwards for me to switch to them. The only advantage of AT&T being that if I switch to a sim-card phone carrier I can have multiple phones on one card.
I mean I love the idea of Safari being able to use AJAX apps but what about the storage of the programs. With AJAX you end up downloading the entire program each time, versus with a standalone applet for the phone you save the program on the phone and just download data.
Maybe I won't care and buy one just to add it to my collection of almost but not quite everything in one mobile devices.
I also don't know if I could live without a keyboard. Both my Nokia 7710

and my Nokia n800
(WIKIPEDIA - Nokia_N800) have on screen keyboards, and while they have come a long way, it will never be as functional as the hardware one. I mean I could type on the sidekick while driving and not looking at the keyboard. I know - that is way to dangerous for reality, but trust me it is possible. I could never do that with tactile sensation free onscreen keyboard.
I suppose the iPhone could just replace the PPC 6700
(WIKIPEDIA - HTC_Apache) (which is clunky and old looking now) and I could continue to carry around the not-phone (nokia n800) which is a full access linux OS with terminal. I just want one day to have the all in one device that rivals the functionality of the sidekick with the browser and style of the iPhone.
Here we have the history of my mobile addiction
Danger Sidekick 1 - worn out - I used it so much the keys actually wore down
Danger Sidekick 2 - eaten by bugs (e:paul,32081)
Nokia 7710 - broke the camera
Sprint PPC 6700- runs windows mobile 5 which is lame and slow
Nokia n800 runs linux and is awesome but camera sucks and its not a phone only wifi, bluetooth connections
iPhone - Will you be good enough for me
Start charging for storage. $10/cu ft per month with a 5 cu ft minimum sounds about right.
I'm coming back for mine so try not to freak out!
i just read a story about how marines carried tampons with them as they could be inserted into certain types of wounds - as they swell and help stop bleeding....
i don't know if you have a history of large gaping wounds.... but if you do you may want to keep them around!
hey...I'll take 40 tampons..lol! The only suggestion i could offer is to throw the shit on your lawn for a day or two with a bucket for "donations". I assume people would just take the shit and if you're just trying to get rid of it then the $$ doesnt even matter. you can donate the mags to the spca..they'll shred em and use it for litter. at least they'd be going to use rather than sitting in a trash somewhere.
bring the fridge into work!
i saw a friend last night who is moving this week, and he's trying to figure out what to do with his leftover food. It's not worth packing, but he feels bad to throw it out, so he's trying to pawn it off... he's like 'anybody want an open bottle of worcestershire? maraschino cherries?'
Holy shit, burn those girl magazines, Paul!
I might be able to help with the computer
Because we are so damned nice, we have half a basement full of someone else's stuff.
The stuff left in your house reminds me of oh so many Judge Judy cases in which tenants swore up and down they were moved out on time, and the landlord had pictures of stuff left behind. Dishes, clothing, toiletries...