Sadly, my camera is not acting properly, look at what happens to its ability to focus. Thankfully, I had a contact at Nikon who was willing to help me out. He also mentioned they have a new camera that looks totally amazing, the P5000. It is a similar form factor but its 10MP and takes interchangeable lenses. I am kind of sad because we are off to Zoar Valley Again in the morning ;(

After the Allentown art festival, I came home and tried to vacuum out the hot tub to dispose of it. It was just nasty trash that came with the house. I couldn't find the hose attachment for my second favorite vacuum although I know I spent at least $30 on it.
So I spent like 2 hours emptying the hot tub by filling the vacuum and carrying it over to the garden 5 gallons at a time because of the missing hose attachment.
I want a tool room so bad. I have like 3000 tools and they are strewn all over this house, the garage, the rental property, the basement and attic, the car, etc.
I always find the wrong parts and end up using either the axe or a butterknife for every task. The frustrating part is that I own the tools, they are just in too many places and the multipart tools like the interchangeable screwdriver handle will be found but all the bits will be missing.
Once I got it emptied I wanted to take it apart but I couldn't find metric measured alan wrench? So I decided I would just beat the fuck out of it with the sledge hammer ( I know anger management) anyways that was missing! so I moved on the the axe and cut my finger. Then I decided I would go through every room of the house one by one till I found the sledge hammer.
It worked and I found all of these missing vacuum attachments which was a bonus.
I want one of those peg board work rooms so bad, but anyplace I could have one, I would have to do so much work before I could make it, and I can't do all that work while the tools are all over the place and missing. It is a horrible vicyous circle.
Like the garage. Seems like the perfect place for a workroom, but it is full of so much of (e:lilho) 's trash, a nasty old refrigerator that needs to go out, a wheelbarrow full of stic, the chiminea, the power washer, and about 6000 cans of toxic chemicals that I don't what to do with. I inherited them from the previous owner. How do you get rid of old paint?
Okay, this is redic. I was just looking at camping equipment

oh man the thought of a pegboard wall full of my tools makes me soooo happy... but then i'm just a big ol dyke...
i want that air mattress. or just a pump for my air mattress so i don't die next time i go camping.