Considering that the iPhone is running OS X (ya right) why can't they thrown in a terminal emulator.
I guess maybe they will add it and surely people will hack it.
I think AJAX, CSS, HTML development is really stupid on a mobile device with a gimped data plan, AT&T/cingular edge is so slow compared to what I am used to on Sprint. It's like a step backwards for me to switch to them. The only advantage of AT&T being that if I switch to a sim-card phone carrier I can have multiple phones on one card.
I mean I love the idea of Safari being able to use AJAX apps but what about the storage of the programs. With AJAX you end up downloading the entire program each time, versus with a standalone applet for the phone you save the program on the phone and just download data.
Maybe I won't care and buy one just to add it to my collection of almost but not quite everything in one mobile devices.
I also don't know if I could live without a keyboard. Both my Nokia 7710

I suppose the iPhone could just replace the PPC 6700 (WIKIPEDIA - HTC_Apache) (which is clunky and old looking now) and I could continue to carry around the not-phone (nokia n800) which is a full access linux OS with terminal. I just want one day to have the all in one device that rivals the functionality of the sidekick with the browser and style of the iPhone.
Here we have the history of my mobile addiction
Danger Sidekick 1 - worn out - I used it so much the keys actually wore down

Danger Sidekick 2 - eaten by bugs (e:paul,32081)

Nokia 7710 - broke the camera

Sprint PPC 6700- runs windows mobile 5 which is lame and slow

Nokia n800 runs linux and is awesome but camera sucks and its not a phone only wifi, bluetooth connections

iPhone - Will you be good enough for me

Nope, after the 3g and 3gs I switched to a google nexus one running android.
Wow this is funny. It come from the machinist blog on salon.com
Jobs also offered what he called a "sweet solution" for developers to create programs for the iPhone. The one catch: The apps have to run in Safari, cutting out much innovation (and competition, e.g. Skype). The quote of the week on this, from Mac-blog Daring Fireball: "If all you have to offer is a shit sandwich, just say it. Don't tell us how lucky we are and that it's going to taste delicious."
It worse than the gameboy color camera attachment. In fact it is not meant for taking picture at all just for video chat. The resolution is like 120x60px and it does not handle any sort of non-full-sun lighting.
what's wrong with the camera in the nokia n800??? Is it better or worse than the average cell phone cam?
Screw the iPhone! Wait for the OpenMoko: :::link::: Linux ftw!
iPhone is an iPOS. Jobs will cripple it and nickle-and-dime you to death.
It seems like you have some extraordinarily precise needs when it comes to your mobile addition, and I'm not entirely sure that the iPhone was built or created for supertechies... but maybe I'm wrong about that. After all, mobile applications are only going to get more and more integrated into one device as it has been.
I think the iPhone is neat, but I have no idea if I'd actually ever buy one. I keep a very low tech phone simply because I'm afraid I'd break or lose a better one.
eaten by bugs?!
that is horrifying.