Some of this is from pride but first read the journal before this one. It is a video about a wedding - it is nuts.
These totally disgusting chicken wings came this way from Casa Di Pizza on Elmwood. Normally, I like this place - but this is fuckin' sick. Look at them, when did they incurr this damage, while they were still chickens or after? I like to call them sickenwings.
(e:eknot) and I saw this major accident residual near the Scientologist Church Look at that bent stop sign.
Has anyone gone to a chiropracter. I hurt my neck on a ladder and want to go to one. Tomorrow night I have an appointment with a massgae therapist. I wonder if that will help/
Hm, why does Hyatts have 24 hour video surveillance now
(e:ladycroft) 's party was nice, we had a fire and I got to talk technology with the estrip guys.
And then the parade
You probably can't tell in this photo but this dudes back is scratched the hell up.
Clowns are scarry.
Drag Queens float by
Christians can help us. I remember the mormons sending me those books about getting healed.
Getting yelled at by "christians"
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I tried like 600 times to get a pic of this guys eyes, they looked like the woman from the 80s national geographic cover. He must have thought we were insane because between me and
(e:mike) there were about 30 pics of hi on my camera.
The festival was packed
I guess there are other gay catholics besides my brother.
I would be interested in working with the glbt archives someday. I am sure I have some useful technology for them.
This was hilarious to me. The gay marriage float was almost totally lesbians. What does that say? Guys just don't want to settle down no matter what their sexual preference.
Here is the videos of it.
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The cutest guy in the parade was our very own
(e:libertad) who
(e:mike) rekindled with
(e:matthew) 's twin again.
The roller dirby girls
(e:dragonlady) and
(e:rachel) along with
(e:terry) being
An "awesome" woman giving into fashion and wearing a wool hat on what is the hottest day I remember for the summer so far.
nice hawk... badass!
Your pictures of the festival make sense when mine are posted they most likely won't they will just be a reflection of what I saw. Not a great one cause when you see someone walking towards you you have to be quicker at taking the picture then I am. I did run into 6 (e:peeps) but again when you run into someone you don't think to take that quick picture or at least I don't but I'm kinda weird. In terms of the chess board I may have to look into that. I knew there where chess boards on allen/wadesworth and that there where people playing there but I didn't know about the one on franklin. By the way has anyone tried Sample Yet? I kinda want to try it but I'm also kinda chicken to try a new place on my own. Again Paul I like the pictures and sorry about the camera that new one sounds awesome (if you wind up getting it).
It's an episcopal church called the Church of the Ascension at 16 Linwood. :::link:::
(e:matthew) , (e:terry) and I bought the rectory last year and live in it at 24 Linwood.
What is the name of that church? I like the no pews look.