Then we celebrated father's day on Sunday with brunch at my mothers. It was one of her usual extravaganzas but my camera is in the repair shop. We had omlettes, leg of lamb and procuitto wrapped salmon. It was so yumy.

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Paul Visco May 18, 1987 (10 years old)
I would like to be Frank Balestrieri because he is very very good at sports. I would also like to be him because then people would let me play sports like basketball, hockey, kickball, baseball and catch.
That day I would start a baseball game with some 5th graders and some other kids. That would be the first time I played baseball with someone else!
That day I would learn to play baseball and other games. I would also learn what play a sport wih someone would be like.
Paul Visco January 26th, 1987
If I had $1000 I would buy an Apply II GS. The biggest apple computer. I would buy a logo disk and a basic disk first. ThenI would buy a 90" monitor. Then I would buy a diskdrive and a mouse. Then I could show all the classes the Turtle in the Auditorium.
Money is not a problem. I can always decide what to buy. I just never have enough money. That drives me nuts.
Paul Visco November 18th, 1987
Kenmore - Kenmore is a good place to live. There are many schools nearby. They have parks. The parks have been remodeled, they have a fitness area, a basketball court and a playground area. They also have a youth center. This winter they will have an iceskating rink. In the sumer they have two pools, one for ages 1-6 and one for 7-adult.
There are many types of restaurants. They have public facilities! They have a library. They have basketball, hockey and soccer teams, not forgetting baseball and swimming. They also have a cubscout and boyscout group which does a lot of things. There are a lot of children. But don't take my word for it, come look for yourself.
Paul Visco March 3rd, 1987 - Poem
Computers beeping,
Drawing with logo
Excellent teaching tool
They can do anything
Paul Visco 1987
Forests Are More Than Trees
Forests for nature -
The life of the wild,
The beautiful kingdom of deer.
The beavers chop so very near.
I wish I could see him this year.
Forests for hunters...
The death of the wild...
The hungry kingdom of humans...
The beaver skin so fancy...
the deer skin so beautiful...
Why do we suffer the wild?
Random snippet
Now Jenelle is my best friend also. Her brother is weird and has a small computer!
Hi Paul.
I read your blog often and enjoy it very much. As a huge Buffalonian myself, I wanted to send you a message and see if you were interested in posting any of these in the events...
Hahaha you never changed. :)
I had an apple II gs. heh heh.
Paul, that is too funny! I totally remember you always did poems about computers, I always thought that was weird - I guess that was when we learned haikus, I totally remember! You were so jealous of Frank Balestrieri, but at least he was really nice, to my recollection. That's so sad, "then everyone would let me play baseball"! Janelle Graci? Is that who you mean? It must be... I remember my little Paul. You're still the same little paul to me.
On a more recent topic: You shouldn't shave your head - it's bad for the environment. (hell, a girl can try!)
Miss you & Love you!