I did a lot, managed to really hurt my neck again and still didn't dance.
Got a letter from Germany that the university I attended is having a 450 year anniversary

and is inviting back all the Alumni. I would really like to go. I wonder if I can convince
(e:matthew) . I should apply for italian citizenship first so that I can be all EU.
Taste of Buffalo was yummy. It is my favorite festival of all.
There were lots of people at The Taste Of Buffalo 07. I had fun with
(e:terry) and
(e:matthew) but no Taste of Buffalo is the same without
(e:hodown) or
(e:mike) , the biggest food enjoyers I know, neither of which I was with.
I ate craw dads, the main reason I like to go.
Everytime I see these cookies I think of
The polish sausage from the Polish Villa was tasty.
(e:terry) being attacked by a monster
Saw Matt Puchler - I was sad we didn't get to work together but it is really awesome working with
I finally painted the garage and the french doors on the back of the house. I am so happy as they really looked like crap before and it was stressing me out.
Then I attended Kenmore Days for the fireworks. Damn those people know how to put on a fireworks display. My cell phone can't manage fireworks pics like my real camera which is now totally missing in action.
I had my first taste of funnel cake, it was quite yummy.
I have been wanting to go dancing for so long but didn't notice Soma's chat post about the HEMF (music fest) on Grand Island

until today ;(
Which led me to

- I went to school with him in Kenmore. It is strange how our raver days never coincided. I think once when I was home and he was home we saw each other at a party. Now we are neighbors, he lives in the building behind us, but we haven't hung out - even though I saw him and said I would call. I am just not good at making friends or doing things other than computing / house repair.
I'm bad at languages. But If I could learn them I would love to learn Chinesse. Of course with my luck I would learn the Manderian dialect and then try to speak to someone who only knew Cantonase. I did see part of a special that showed how Chinese has changed over the years. They showed how something used to be a picture of a tree and how that writing changed over time. Korean might be preaty cool to since from what I have been told they use the Chinese Characters for some things and then they have the own language for other things. If I was going to do it for fun I would learn Klingon or maybe some Elf Langauge but only if someone told me if there was really a way to right Moon leters light in the hobit. Those are letters that only appear when the papper is held up to the moon.
There was an onion article, or an actual real article, I can't remember which, who's headline read "Now more speakers of Klingon than Cherokee."
I have a problem learning languages because I never need to use them. It has never been useful knowing German except one time when I was a waiter and had German tourists at a table. It was never useful learning Japanese except to decipher what idiotic characters people had tattooed on their ignorant bodies. With no need to use it, I have forgotten both.
So unless you really dig Beowulf.
to book = the book
ooh paul old english is cool. I took a 'history of the english language' class in school and we studied a lot of old english. way cool. Yes, very germanic. And a lot of latin too. And cases. I think I have to book somewhere if you want to see.
The only thing better than historical languages is made-up ones. That said,I want to learn Elvish!