When we went to order our blond waitress went and spoke with the ugly brown haired one and then came back and she they refused to serve us at a table if we didn't order dinners. She said we could only order appetizers at the bar which is complete bullshit as we have eaten appetizers and ordered drinks there many times sitting at a booth. There were about 8 empty tables so it's not like we were taking up space. She was just being a lazy bitch.
It will be a while before I ever go back there which is their loss because I have spent a lot of money there in the past. (e:terry) said he overheard the one waitress saying she didn't feel like serving anymore that night.
The rest of the evening
Then we headed over to Couter Bay where a bunch of epeeps were hanging out (e:jim,40718) Got to meet (e:drew) (who looks and is much younger than in his pic) and (e:janelle) (his lovely wife) and hang with (e:jim) , (e:james) , (e:jbeatty) , (e:fellyconnelly) and (e:lauren) . It was a great evening. Afterwards, we headed over to Frizzys to meet up with (e:mike) , (e:beast) and (e:maureen) then over to Cathode Ray where I saw Brian and we got our picture taken by the Buffalo Barfly

Hmmm.... Roxy's ..... brings back memories.
No wonder I'm living in the heart of Lesbianistan.
That whole thing at Cozumel sounds strange. My take is that since you can get apitizers at the bar then if that waitress does both the bar and the seats it makes her job easier if you just go to the bar. The part that gets weird is what if after you have apitisers you are joined by someone else or someone gets hungry and orders a dinner. It sounds to me like as you said one of the waitresses was lazy and the other one wasn't going to take her table from her. I'm glad you still had a great time out and about.
sqlplus is an oracle client I don't have that. Windows on mac you can use vmware fusion :::link::: It is $59 bucks right now with a rebate from the site - it's totally worth it. You want to buy the real thing so you can get updates.
You will need to get a legitmate copy of winows from school to use it. At UB you can get them for like $5.00. You should see if your school has something like that, I am sure they do.
Once you have vmware you can install linux on that too. Linux is free. What linux do you need? You can download it from the internet. Just tell me which one you need there are like 50 millions flavors of it.
Wow, it kind of sounds like you are in web programming school and not in digital media arts web design school. Not neessarily a bad thing but it sounds like more programming. You might as well give it a try and se if you like it. If you do, your job possibilties are huge.
I am a horrible dancer, as (e:terry) may or may not remember. Maybe I should take a few lessons from (e:Jim).
paul im in software crisis, you have all the programs i need!!! i need sql plus for mac, where do i get??? also windows for mac??? linux? meh.
It seems that to me that the brand is going to fall into an identity crisis soon. My perception of it has been as a place to see and be seen sort of the trap Pano's fell into.
Now throw on top of that above perception right or wrong, a new southtowns location in the Southgate Plaza and what is the place? A elmwood cult establishment or a regional brand like Jim's Steak Out or Mighty Taco?
no hangovers?
well i'm glad i have felt like poo on a biscuit all day...
That really sucks about Cozumel. I've had just appetizers there before in the regular sitting area- that's strange that they did that.
I'm glad you had a good night otherwise, though.
Jim and I are so surprised we aren't hung over today. I guess that means we aren't too old to go out. Now we have no excuses.
nice seeing everyone, sorry that we missed dancing at Roxy's but i didn't drive and everyone else i was with was ready to go home cuz they had to get up early!