Today we went to lunch at Kuni's on The go over on Lexington. The food was delicious as usual. Outside the Coca Cola truck parked to drop off a beverage delivery. Check out the rusty propane tank on the truck. It looks like maybe it could use a safety inspection?!

Here is a pic of Megan standing in front of our house after lunch with (e:jima) nd (e:enknot) today.

You can see the moving truck of our new roommate who is moving in today. I hope this works out and he doesn't eat all our food, lol unlike nameless bitch our old roommate.
People ask me why I am not so fond of the sky mansion building that is supposed to be going up on Gates circle. Well the reason is these two towers down the street from the proposed location. I am sure they looked oh so sheik when the were first be erected but now they look like horrible anachronisms. I doubt glass and chrome exteriors will look modern in the "Real Future"

(e:hodown) and (e:lilho) 's ex step sister, Jessica Magleietto, is now running for office in the Delaware District of Buffalo. That is so awesome - she is just about (e:lilho) 's age. At first I just assumed it was someone with the same name but then i saw this billboard on the corner of Delaware and West Delevan. I hope she wins.

I'm sure if Bruce wanted to, and felt that he had something to offer the public, he would take ownership and run for office. Being a coach is a lot tougher than being the sideline reporter. =D I give this girl a thousand percent more credit than most people because she's actually found the bollox to run and to put herself up for scrutiny. Well done to her.
By the way, I agree that the apartment hi rises are out of fashion, even my limited sense of style can recognize that level of ugly. Who knows what will be in or out tomorrow. I wonder who is actually going to be able to afford to live in the new building.
Wow, I am glad I am not running for office as I am a notorious mispeller and I say frankly a lot.
"In her response to the Stonewall Democrats' questionnaire, Jessica Maglietto twice wrote "principals" when she should have been writing "principles." Either she doesn't know how to spell the word or she doesn't know the difference in two words that :::link:::
(e:zobar)- i kinda have to agree w your articles. She was best friends w my old roommate until my old roommate got sick of hanging out with slutty drunk girls (aka jess mags).
Wow. And tomorrow we're running two articles totally trashing her :::link::: :::link::: . Considering that's my mom's district and it looks like she's cruising for the easy win, I hope for the city's sake that she's more intelligent and less spineless than Bruce Jackson makes her out to be. [Bruce Jackson is hardly known for impartiality, and the incumbent is kind of a dim bulb himself.]
Those apartments are hideous, and there are several other buildings all down Delaware that are almost as bad. I don't mind them putting in another high-rise, and I'm glad they've put at least some thought into aesthetics, but I'm not convinced that it won't look totally idiotic there.
I'm a total drag tonight. Sorry man.
- Z
holy shit. thats my ex step sister! lol. buffalo is such a funny little town!
oh man those seafoam green monstrosities of buildings are hideous!!
lauren says it reminds her of the "Under the Sea" dance from "back to the future".
I think things at moderate sizes that fit in with their surrounding, are made of natural materials and in earth tones seem to fit in much better and look nice.
But, we can't not build crap because it will someday be out of fasion. That is like not having babies because one day they will grow old and die.
But Jesus, those other apartment buildings are ridiculously ugly.
those two apartment buildings are seriously the ugliest things ever. but apparently the apartments inside are very nice. i still wouldn't live there though. ick.