On June 14, 1993, New England Telephone and Telegraph
Company ("NET" or "Company") filed with the Department of Public
Utilities ("Department"), revisions to the Company's tariffs
D.P.U. Mass. Nos. 10 and 15 to become effective July 14, 1993.
NET applies an Element 1 service ordering charge for the
receiving, recording, and processing of a customer's
request for service (Exh. NET-4, Tab E3). An Element 2
central office line connection charge is applied to recover
the costs of establishing or changing service in the
central office ( id., Tab E4)
It's a charge just to change a single name on a file. Oh well.
Do the Vonage blokes provide internet services too?
do you mean time warner cable? or do they offer dsl now?
I have vonage too... I've been pretty happy. They somehow managed to disconnect my service a while ago, without my authorization, which was a PITA, but generally it's pretty good, and cheap. now they even include international calls (mexico, canada, and a lot of western europe)- all unlimited for I think $35/mo. though I liked ATT's VOIP website better.
On cool vonage thing- they can send you an email when you get a voicemail- and now they will even transcribe the message into text.
call verizon and ask them why it costs them $40 to change a name in the system. And if that is labor coara for the person who actually changes the name, then ask them if they are hiring.
We decided to get time warner dsl and vonage.
Vonage is good. Time warner was kinda rough, but we got through it.