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06/13/2007 03:15 #39634

"Connection Line Charge: Element 2"
Category: whine
I was setting up the new phone/internet service for my future apartment and everything was going fine. Verizon has a sweet deal for $15 a month (comes to about $34 a month with the landline). I thought to myself, what a perfect little deal for a poor graduate student. And suddenly, out of nowhere came a whopping ~$75 initial charge. On minute inspection, a major chunk of that charge came from something called "Connection Line Charge: Element 2" worth about $40. There is no explanation of this charge on the verizon website so I googled and found this description in some random document:

On June 14, 1993, New England Telephone and Telegraph
Company ("NET" or "Company") filed with the Department of Public
Utilities ("Department"), revisions to the Company's tariffs
D.P.U. Mass. Nos. 10 and 15 to become effective July 14, 1993.
NET applies an Element 1 service ordering charge for the
receiving, recording, and processing of a customer's
request for service (Exh. NET-4, Tab E3). An Element 2
central office line connection charge is applied to recover
the costs of establishing or changing service in the
central office ( id., Tab E4)

It's a charge just to change a single name on a file. Oh well.
tinypliny - 06/15/07 17:15
Do the Vonage blokes provide internet services too?
jenks - 06/13/07 14:38
do you mean time warner cable? or do they offer dsl now?

I have vonage too... I've been pretty happy. They somehow managed to disconnect my service a while ago, without my authorization, which was a PITA, but generally it's pretty good, and cheap. now they even include international calls (mexico, canada, and a lot of western europe)- all unlimited for I think $35/mo. though I liked ATT's VOIP website better.

On cool vonage thing- they can send you an email when you get a voicemail- and now they will even transcribe the message into text.
fellyconnelly - 06/13/07 13:53
call verizon and ask them why it costs them $40 to change a name in the system. And if that is labor coara for the person who actually changes the name, then ask them if they are hiring.
drew - 06/13/07 11:54
We decided to get time warner dsl and vonage.

Vonage is good. Time warner was kinda rough, but we got through it.

06/11/2007 11:12 #39605

Parking spaces around Mayflower?
Category: flat hunt
So the moving date is steadily drawing near. I am thinking of driving into Buffalo with a rental SUV (someone else will be doing the driving). We would need to park temporarily on the curbside till I unload all my stuff and take it inside Mayflower. Then we would need to park the SUV somewhere close till we take everything upstairs and lock up. How strict is curbside towing outside Mayflower on Sunday mornings? Is there somewhere near that we can park temporarily till we return the SUV?
mrmike - 06/13/07 08:23
Nah, typically they are pudgy types in pickup trucks who apply too much machismo in issue parking summons
tinypliny - 06/13/07 03:17
Who are "meter maids"? Aren't they real cops too? I am confused...
mrmike - 06/11/07 20:32
Weekends no worries, just got to watch for alternate street parking fun. With all the festivals, it sometimes has the meter maids thinking that they are real cops
drew - 06/11/07 13:11
Welcome. I'm new here, too, but I love it!
tinypliny - 06/11/07 12:59
Thanks! I was actually looking for answers to those exact issues. Moving, parking and hauling everything is somewhat stressful. Mainly because, despite trying hard not to hold on to anything, my worldly belongings have steadily grown over the past couple years. I still don't have any huge furniture, but the books and the kitchen stuff has added up to an SUV capacity bulk. Quite scary, actually. Maybe I will just resort to leaving my stuff on my curb. All the time, I walked past nice stuff lying out on the curb, I used to think who throws *that* out on the street. Now, I know exactly what are the "nice" things I am going to have to throw. *Sigh*
leetee - 06/11/07 12:45
You're very welcome. Glad you found my ramble informative. :O)

And a pre-move welcome to Buffalo! (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i are newbies here, too... only been 2 1/2 years.
tinypliny - 06/11/07 12:16
Hey, thanks very much for that very detailed reply! I really appreciate it. As they say, fore-warned is fore-armed! I am just really glad I have a great information source. Thanks ans looking forward to moving into your fabulous city. :)
leetee - 06/11/07 11:27
I don't know how strict towing is around the Mayflower, since we were always good and parked legally. I don't think i ever saw anyone towed, but i did see a few bright orange parking tickets.

I'm not sure how things are now, but 2 years ago when (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i lived at the Mayflower, we had to move in and out through the basement on the west side of the building. Down through the basement entrance, across the basement and up the east side elevators up to the 7th floor where we lived.

The landlord would not let us move in or out through the front door, despite the fact that someone else was doing it at the time.

We went in to the basement from the west side of the building where there is an illegal space by the dumpster. On Sunday, i assume there will be fewer problems parking there than there would be during the week when the dumpster might get picked up. And i think, while you are actually moving, there shouldn't be too many probs, but check with the super.

There are a few legal parking spaces at the front of the building. On weekends, along Linwood, you can park on either side of the street. We heard that parking North of Summer has more risks for break-ins, but we didn't have any problems with that in the 6 months we lived in that building.

Hope some of that helped you... or at least didn't discourage you from moving.

Good luck... and don't let moving stress you out too much!

06/07/2007 22:21 #39577

Aluminium in deodorants - Do you care?
Category: science
It has been known for sometime that Aluminium is associated with Alzheimer's disease. However, the past few years has brought forth research that might potentially implicate Aluminium in the development of cancer. Aluminium is the key ingredient in most of the underarm deodorants out there. It is believed to have estrogenic properties. Estrogenic input drives its growth, progression and possibly initiation of cancer.

Women use these deodorants day in and day out and they are applied directly to the axillary (underarm) area. The deodorants remain in contact with skin for extended periods of time. Aluminium in these deodorants is probably absorbed more readily than any other metalloestrogen, because of the microabrasions on the skin in the axillary region (due to frequent shaving).

To all women (and men) out there, does this piece of news bother you? Would you be willing to toss out all your deodorants and get Al-free ones? Or would you rather wait for this association to be set in stone?

As a researcher, can't help wondering how much of an impact such news has on consumers...

Update: Found this article on the Al-free alternatives out there:

tinypliny - 06/09/07 02:05
Thanks for your all your input!

@paul: That's interesting, never heard of feelrite. *scurries off to google it* I really like "citrusy" scents too. Some of those "natural" deodorants tend to smell a lot like cilantro, they have none of those spiffy scents they put in Al-ridden ones

@imk2: Nice to know that and yes, I am hoping to do breast cancer research for my dissertation. Maybe we will run into each other very soon!

@hodown: Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of not being a big sweater, I am a sweater with huge baggy arms, lots of extra wool and a matching hood... kidding. :) I do tend to sweat a lot.

paul - 06/08/07 22:40
There are tons of aluminum free alternatives. I used to work at feelrite and I remember there being lots of alternative deoderants. I like the ones with lemon grass.
imk2 - 06/08/07 19:49
yeah i usually dont wear deodorant either. are you going to be doing breast cancer research at roswell? i work on breast cancer studies there.
hodown - 06/08/07 10:56
I actually don't ever use it for that exact reason. I'm not a big sweater and personally I think sweat is good for your body. But maybe thats just me going back to my hippie days..
zobar - 06/08/07 02:22
Used to have pretty wretched body odor; discovered 'deodorant' soap largely to blame. Oddly enough, switching to olive oil soap rendered antiperspirant unnecessary. I use Burt's Bees herbal deodorant because I like the way it smells. No Alzheimer's, no pit stains, no titty cancer.

- Z
jenks - 06/07/07 22:35
Nope. I for one am not going to stop using deodo.
(though technically I think the aluminum is more 'anti-perspirant' than 'deodorant'. Frankly I'm more worried about my Secret giving me pit-stains in my tshirts than giving me breast cancer.

But it's an interesting theory, and maybe there's something to it.
ladycroft - 06/07/07 22:32
this news has been around for 10 years. though i think secret has made a new 'aluminium free' version.

06/06/2007 23:39 #39561

It's a Mayflower!
Category: flat hunt
The update on my drab life: I am done with my qualifiers. *w00t* But I don't know if I passed or am doomed to take them 6 months later. *anti-w00t*

The update on my not-so-drab life: It's the Mayflower!! That apartment on the 5th Storey was in the Mayflower as many of you guessed. It's an absolutely charming "large studio" and I think I love it. However, the lease is not very clear-cut. The present tenant has a lease which ends July 31st, but wants to get out of it early. Though, very enthusiastic, the present tenant has not got hold of the management yet - so they have not got in touch with me. I admit that its been just 3 business days (mon-tue-wed), but.... its been three business days! Hence, the anxiety...

I did a walking piligrimage of Roswell and surrounding areas on Friday and I think I have officially become rather enamoured with all the goodies on Delaware, Allen Street, the fabulous theatre district, funky Elmwood etc. You guys live in an awesome neighbourhood!! What the hell was I thinking, strolling down Ellicott when I first visited Buffalo?!!

I checked out a handful of apartments - the ones on Auburn-Delaware, Elmwood-Lexington/Utica were gorgeous but it took forever to walk to Roswell. Thoughts of a snow-laden walk in the 6 months of Buffalo winter weren't very appealing so they are off the list for now. There was a charming studio apartment in an old mansion on Summer, but the studio was too tiny (and had wild rabbits in the front yard!! yikes!!). Then, there was this apartment building on Elmwood near Summer but this was right next to Section 8 housing and *reeked* of tobacco smoke. No-one showed up to show me an apartment on Franklin, someone on Linwood cancelled on me and it was too late to check out another apartment at Richmond.

So in the end, it looks like I might be living in Mayflower after all, if this lease somehow comes through. If it doesn't, its back to the hunt again, and that would be quite a setback.

I had a MOST delicious lunch at a delighful little Italian joint on Delaware called the "Panaros". Their three-cheese-spinach-garlic pizza is just out of this world (and I was ridiculously hungry after hours of walking).

The apartment hunt hasn't officially ended yet, but I just want to thank all of you for helping me out, and orienting me to the neighbourhood. Can't have gone on the Buffalo piligrimage/hunt alone without all the estripper tips and advice I received over the past two months! Thank you!!

tinypliny - 06/07/07 14:29
Hey felly, it was indeed a lot of fun. Thanks for the good wishes. Hope you have fair weather on those days and land an awesome apartment, all the best!!
fellyconnelly - 06/07/07 11:59
hey sounds like a fun apartment hunt... i'll be going on mine on the 18-20th... hope you get your place!

05/23/2007 18:54 #39393

Multi-storey on Linwood/Summer corner
Category: flat hunt
A nice "large" studio on the 5th Floor --> $550 (everything included) turned up on craigslist. Everything sounds perfect, except there is no picture (and no exact address). I checked on Google-Earth and there is a multistorey on Linwood near where it crosses Summer. I am assuming this is the place. I haven't got a reply back from the advertiser yet.

Since I am an out-of-towner, could I ask you all to rack your brains and jog your memories as to whether anyone has a recollection of any near and dear or far-away ones staying in this multi-storey - any Delta House experiences etc.?

I can't make it to Buffalo till the end of next week (after my comprehensive exams) and I feel that I should aggressively pursue this place, considering the snail-crawl pace my search is moving.

As usual, (and I apologize if I am becoming rather a pest) any suggestions/insights very much welcomed!!

I need to move to Buffalo positively by June 16th (with whatever meagre amount of stuff I have). I then leave for a short vacation from 18th till 24th of June and come back to Buffalo on June 25th. I would be very interested in your place if it is less than a mile from Roswell and within my budget (<$600 including everything). Please let me know, if that sounds good.
dcoffee - 05/25/07 19:06
We live in the green rectangle, $675 big 2 bedroom that includes everything, we have really fallen in love with the place. We found it in the Artvoice online classifieds :::link::: you should get to know Artvoice anyway if your moving to Buffalo, it's the What's happening guidebook.
As for the green rectangle, Anywhere between Linwood Richmond Forrest and Virginia, is pretty good, but other commenters are right that it depends on the building and the houses around it. You have doctors, beatniks, professors, musicians, and crackheads living here, and some buildings (like the one I was in a year ago), have too many crackheads.
You should be careful of your car, if you have one, which you don't, but as a general rule, if you don't leave anything in view nobody will break your window. Especially, do not leave a CD wallet or Discman on your seat. It's not that hard to avoid.
Best of luck, you can live comfortable on little money here in Buffalo.
tinypliny - 05/24/07 23:42
@leetee: I think that's good advice. I was on the verge of giving up and sending in my deposit money and remotly signing an year-long lease. Thanks to all the input from you all, I think I will take that Check-out-the-E-strip neighbourhood walk next week, before renting. :)
tinypliny - 05/24/07 23:39
@zobar: that looks like a posh building... Thanks for the link!
tinypliny - 05/24/07 23:38
@uncutsaniflush: yes, I think it might be a mansion or a privately owned multi-unit house, mainly because there was no link-back to the BMG group that owns Mayflower apartments. Unfortunately, the owner didn't leave a phone number for prospective tenants to call, and pro realtors aren't that slack on their advertisements. The owner hasn't replied back to my email either. Oh well.
leetee - 05/23/07 23:48
Nice pics of the Mayflower, (e:Zobar). Must have been taken before Byron's oh-so-wonderful lions. The whole 6 months we were there, all we ever heard of were these great lion statues they were getting. I think they arrived within a week of us moving out.

leetee - 05/23/07 23:46
Although it would be cool to be able to rent a place here in Buffalo by "remote control", i think it wise to visit places in person. You might get stuck with a lease for a year in a place you think is crap.

And one person's crap is another person's dream come true.
zobar - 05/23/07 23:20
I'm actually not down on the West Side. When I moved back to B-lo I really wanted to move there, but it seemed that the apartments on nice streets weren't nice, and the nice apartments didn't have driveways*. Eventually my mom offered to rent me a house in Kenmore at-cost, so here I am.

Linwood and Summer are both generally nice, and that's a good neighborhood. Here's some exterior pics of the Mayflower; it's at 66 Summer. :::link:::

- Z

  • Oh yeah. The West Side is really old, and a large number of houses don't have driveways. That would be ok if other parking were available.
uncutsaniflush - 05/23/07 22:04
hmmm "multi-story" there is a "multi-story building on the north east corner of Linwood and Summer. It's a converted mansion. When I hear the words "multi-story" I think of elevator buildings or at least 6 floor walkups and not converted mansions
uncutsaniflush - 05/23/07 21:36
The desirable rectangle is considered safe and desirable. The problem with the West Side as (e:zobar) points out is that you have to pay attention - things can change from one end of the block to the another.

(e:leetee) and I live well outside the desirable rectangle on bird west of grant. We saw this house and fell in love with it. And for some reason, we are on a very good block.
paul - 05/23/07 21:33
I am partial to this half of elmwood ( toward linwood). I think (e:vycious) lives in the mayflower now. You should message him.
tinypliny - 05/23/07 21:17
@Zobar & uncutsaniflush:
So the desirable rectangle is not that great, huh?
I must admit it does sound like its a house-by-house basis neighbourhood from your comments; and in Mayflower's case its an apartment-by-apartment basis. Sigh. I may have to make that trip to Buffalo after all, and visit all the places still available.
uncutsaniflush - 05/23/07 20:44
I thnink you are talking about the Mayflower. my wife (e:leetee) and I lived there a couple of years ago. If memory serves, so have other (e:peeps).

When we lived there, apartments were either too hot or too cold. We had one of the cold ones.

The building itself was a bit like a dowager down on her luck. Not too shabby, but it helped to remember the glory days to appreciate her.

The location is a very good. The building was fairly well maintained. According our fellow tenants, at the time, the Mayflower had newly renovated apartments that were very nice (one of which we were renting) but there were other apartments with long term tenants that weren't as nice. We thought that the newer apartments were overpriced but we rented there anyway.

My advice to you is to find out when the apartment was renovated. Get pix if you can. The quality of the apartments varied greatly in 2005.

zobar - 05/23/07 20:38
Re "desirable rectangle:" I guess that depends on whether you like having your car broken into every week.

Re "multistory:" You really need to be careful on the West Side. There are some very crappy places in very nice neighborhoods, and there are some jaw-droppingly awesome places in very crappy neighborhoods. The West Side is spotty on a house-by-house basis, not a street-by-street basis [if that makes sense.]

- Z