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05/20/2007 21:49 #39355

So my hunt for a flat
Category: flat hunt
is going dismally. Am I asking for too much? I just want a simple 1BR/studio
-- within a mile from Roswell (so I can walk/bike)
-- within $600 inclusive of all utilities
-- with access to a laundry not more than a 10 minutes walk off
-- in a comparatively safe area where I am not likely to get shot in some crossfire or assauted or heckled or panhandled.
-- near bus/metro stops.

I am a non-smoker, non-party'er and don't have a pet or a car, and yet I am having so much trouble finding an apartment!

I scour craigslist and artvoice everyday and all I come up with is a few apartments within my price and distance range -- which are gone before I can contact the landlords.

I need some luck here and fast! I need to positively move to Buffalo on June 16th.

jenks - 05/21/07 12:55
Hmm. Well roswell isn't in the GREATEST part of town. Not that it's so bad, but it's not super residential RIGHT around there. But Linwood has a lot of gorgeous houses... (e:paul) is probably a good person to ask about the immediate neighborhood. He walks to roswell.

05/20/2007 21:42 #39354

My Comprehensive qualifiers...
Category: the odes
are next week - and I feel like an empty shell. I just got done with the semester finals and here I am having to study for another round of exams. Yeesh.

04/07/2007 23:44 #38792

According to Darwin...
Category: goals
I should have been weeded out from this planet by now.

I heard people telling me all week how they ran for 3 miles that morning or worked up a sweat at the Gym or played squash every alternate day. I got inspired and went biking up a gentle slope and by the time I reached the "summit", not only was I panting like a dog, I was wishing I could get off and walk... and I did! I was just hoping that none of those super-athletes drove by seeing me straggle up a small slope they would have gracefully covered in the blink of an eye.

And what's up with those people I see running everyday for hours? I try running and within 30 seconds I feel I could go up in a massive explosion.

That brings me to another new Roswell Resolution (TM) I made.

RR1. I will bike more when I move to Roswell.

04/01/2007 19:59 #38712

Category: the odes
I find it a little more than distracting that the default pic actually looks like me right now.... especially the cowlick. Hmmm.. maybe not the bodyart.

Well.. all the more reason why I should stick to it. Heheheh...

04/01/2007 19:49 #38711

Why is it...
Category: the odes
that when you have a huge assignment hanging over your head (read: due tomorrow), you feel this utter need to get distracted and go rampaging all over the web for something that isn't due till the end of next month. I think it should be named the "O.bsessive D.eadline E.scapism S.yndrome" .