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05/20/2007 21:42 #39354

My Comprehensive qualifiers...
Category: the odes
are next week - and I feel like an empty shell. I just got done with the semester finals and here I am having to study for another round of exams. Yeesh.

04/07/2007 23:44 #38792

According to Darwin...
Category: goals
I should have been weeded out from this planet by now.

I heard people telling me all week how they ran for 3 miles that morning or worked up a sweat at the Gym or played squash every alternate day. I got inspired and went biking up a gentle slope and by the time I reached the "summit", not only was I panting like a dog, I was wishing I could get off and walk... and I did! I was just hoping that none of those super-athletes drove by seeing me straggle up a small slope they would have gracefully covered in the blink of an eye.

And what's up with those people I see running everyday for hours? I try running and within 30 seconds I feel I could go up in a massive explosion.

That brings me to another new Roswell Resolution (TM) I made.

RR1. I will bike more when I move to Roswell.

04/01/2007 19:59 #38712

Category: the odes
I find it a little more than distracting that the default pic actually looks like me right now.... especially the cowlick. Hmmm.. maybe not the bodyart.

Well.. all the more reason why I should stick to it. Heheheh...

04/01/2007 19:49 #38711

Why is it...
Category: the odes
that when you have a huge assignment hanging over your head (read: due tomorrow), you feel this utter need to get distracted and go rampaging all over the web for something that isn't due till the end of next month. I think it should be named the "O.bsessive D.eadline E.scapism S.yndrome" .

04/01/2007 15:17 #38710

Moving to Allentown!!
Category: flat hunt
Its final. I am moving to Roswell Park Cancer Center for my dissertation research and I am practically bouncing off walls. A few small road-bumps and creases need to be ironed out. Paperwork, Qualifiers, logistics etc. But aside from that, Buffalo, here I come!!

One of the earliest road-blocks is of course finding a 1BR apartment near Roswell. I am being told Allentown and Elmwood strip would be the ideal places to move into. Walking distance from Roswell and a relatively safe and happy neighbourhood.

Anyone have any suggestions/contacts that they can share with me? I am looking for a quiet place for about $400 - $550 per month (preferably with heat and water).
tinypliny - 04/07/07 23:23
@Chico & imk2

That's wonderful news! I have friends at Roswell before I even move to Buffalo! :) Thank you!

PS: Now I only need to figure out who they are. ;) *nudge*nudge*


Thanks for the commute update. I don't have a car and narrow roads sound delightfully like home!

Thanks again for help and I will need those wishes for the qualifiers. :)


Ah, maybe I should come down on a weekday after my qualifiers to scope out all the potential places for rent... Nifty tip, thanks!

imk2 - 04/02/07 14:20
welcome to the roswell family. you do know that we have about 5 people here who work at roswell, right?
leetee - 04/02/07 12:08
Welcome to (e:strip) and Buffalo. I wish i could help you with your hunt, but i am so conectionless it's not funny. Ok, maybe it is funny.

When my husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i moved to Buffalo, we rented a very nice apartment on the corner of Linwood & Summer in the Mayflower building. Which is very close to Roswell, down the street from the infamous mansion at 24 that (e:PMT) own. They always seem to have a for rent sign out there....
chico - 04/01/07 20:58
hey, (e:tinypliny) , good luck with the apartment search! good advice from metalpeter and tiburon...artvoice and craigslist are both good sources for allentown. and your price range sounds about right, i think you'll find something decent for that. and the nice thing for you is that if you're living relatively close to work you can also walk to the metro station and take the train downtown to the arena or outbound to University Heights, etc. one thing that can be tricky in Allentown is parking, because many of the streets are narrow and driveways/garages are not always available. but with your intended commute, a car might not even be completely necessary anyway.

if i hear of anything i'll let you know!

btw several (e:peeps) work at roswell, so you'll have potential friends at work if you don't know these guyzos already.

now, go rock those qualifiers! :)
tinypliny - 04/01/07 16:45
Whew, that was quick.

@tiburon1724 & metalpeter
Thanks guys! Will check out craigslist & artvoice.

Right back at ya! ;)
tiburon1724 - 04/01/07 16:03
craigslist gave me lots of leads in my search.
kookcity2000 - 04/01/07 15:34
hey you can take my place
metalpeter - 04/01/07 15:22
I have no connections so I can't help ya there. But you might want to try going to they are a local weekly paper. One thing they do have is apartment listings. I wish you luck finding a place and welcome to the site.