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07/03/2007 21:15 #39901

Buffalo Grocery Review: Wilson Farms
Category: grocery
Wilson Farms ( 304 Elmwood/Summer
Buffalo, NY 14222

This store is located in the North-west corner of the Elmwood-Summer crossing. It has a produce section, but its a high-end (read expensive) version of Wegmans/Tops. The variety of produce is quite impressive but the prices are somewhat higher than what you would be comfortable with, on a daily basis. I would rank its price range in between Tops and Lexington Co-op. It has a generic ATM within its premises. The store also retails NFTA Metro Passes, and some odd auto magazines.

Today, this shop had cucumbers, celery, green bell peppers, limes, lemons, strawberries, peaches, watermelons, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapes, mushrooms, radishes, bananas, onions, potatoes and tomatoes.

In addition to the produce, the shop has the usual 100 million snacks, 200 million soda varieties, about 5 million types of frozen foods, fresh coffee, doughnuts and stuff coated with a triple layer of sugar, candies, a whole range of canned food, cold sandwiches, cleaning supplies and brick-brack, fruit juices and a small section of about 15 different cheeses.

Wilson Farms: Probably good for a big produce emergency but not for daily shopping.
metalpeter - 07/04/07 11:27
That Wilson farms is like any other normal corner store but a little bit better. If you head down elmwood to Aurburn that Wilson Farms is much better (it used to be at least) Not to mention it is about twice the size. Not sure if they still do but they used to have a Deli where you can have them cut meat for you. Not sure if they do that anymore or if it cut there and then packaged. Plus the vieritey of goods was a lot more but that was years ago. I would assume that since they are a lot bigger the selection of odd ball food items is still about the same. It used to be worth the extra travel time to go there, but I'm biased since I used to work there. On a side note for the stuff I buy I go to the one that is close.
uncutsaniflush - 07/03/07 22:26
Wilson Farms vary from store to store in what they carry and the prices they charge.

Wilson Farms used to owned Ahold the parent corporation of Tops. Right now, it seems to me that ex-Tops Management is running Wilson Farms.

07/02/2007 23:12 #39891

Buffalo Grocery Review: Main Food Mart
Category: grocery
Main Food Mart, 1130 Main St, Buffalo

This grocery is located at the South-West corner of Summer and Main Street. Fresh produce sold here is very limited. The ones that I saw today included:
-- Good quality Bananas
-- Onions
-- Potatoes
-- Oranges

These were prominently displayed in a shelf right in front of the entrance to the shop. Prices are reasonable. Probably good for an emergency shop-stop coming out from the metro station at Summer & Best.

The rest of the shop is well-stocked with the usual 100 million snacks, and carbonated drinks. Apart from the eatables, there are cleaning supplies and other miscellaneous brick-brack.

Good for an emergency potato/onion/orange/banana need.

tinypliny - 07/03/07 21:20
Yep, the twin brothers still run the store.
tinypliny - 07/03/07 21:19
Hey everyone, thanks for the additional comments and reviews! I am aiming at a mini-review of all the downtown groceries I listed in my first post, so new tenants in downtown buffalo would know where the goodies are and what to expect in terms of daily grocery shopping. :)
metalpeter - 07/03/07 17:31
I havn't been in that corner store in years. That used to be the spot where I would go with my budies (Way before estrip) and get fruit drink. Other friends got 40's and a budy got his mom cigs and sometimes himself some also. I can't remember ever getting food there.
leetee - 07/03/07 09:37
I used to go in there every morning to get a newspaper for (e:Uncutsaniflush). It was also an excuse to go have a cigarette. At the time, the Buffalo News wouldn't deliver a paper to us in our buidling -- and they had afternoon delivery anyway. Since my husband likes the morning paper with coffee, i would stumble out of bed, go get a paper for him while having my first cig of the day. The men at that store were so sweet. They would save me a paper if there was only one left. And when i told them i was moving, they said "don't go!!" Nice guys... for a few weeks, i thought they were the same guy, but they were twin brothers. I wonder if they are still there?
chico - 07/03/07 09:30
thanks for the review, (e:tinypliny) ... I had been wondering about that place.
vycious - 07/02/07 23:30
dont forget the famers market downtown on thursdays!

06/15/2007 17:14 #39682

Grocery Stores in and around downtown?
Category: grocery
I am about to become an official E-Stripper (well, almost) and I am super-excited. I think it has something to do with the fact that I would be living on Summer Street in the dead of winter. When the city is buried under 10 feet of snow, I will still be on Summer Street. :) How cheerful is that?!! I am in a cloud of cheerfullness over this pleasant fact.

Now for the mundane. I am wondering if e-strippers could rack their memories yet again and please tell me about their favourite/casual/not-so-favourite/loathed grocery stores in and around downtown? Where are the major groceries? Where are the Ethnic speciality groceries - the Chinese, the Indian, the Vietnamese, the Korean, the Thai and the mediterranean stores with the fresh produce/spices/sauces? Where is the best hummus in town? Where is the best produce in town?

I cook everyday and I think I might die a slow death without ready access to good groceries and produce markets.

Inputs HUGELY appreciated!!! Thanks! :)

jenks - 06/16/07 06:31
Latina's is the one that closed.
Wegman's is probably the best grocery store I've ever been too. Tops (the other major one) may be a little cheaper, but I haven't shopped there much.
Like everyone else said the lexington coop is good for organic stuff. And Guercio's is supposed to be fantastic, but I've still never been.
As far as ethnic stores... I have no idea. I've been able to get everything I need at wegman's.

And I've never really heard of any of the other ones on your list.
tinypliny - 06/16/07 02:10
What about these stores (within a 2 mile radius) I pulled out of google-maps? Does no-one shop at them? Don't these have any redeeming features? Are they good in a pinch? What sort of pinch?? Has anyone heard of a store called "Spices of Asia"? The local ethnic shop-owner at the strip-mall near my present home seemed to think it was a great place to shop for produce, but unfortunately wasn't sure of the location.

I am really sorry if this is an overload of questions! But there is *so little* information on groceries around the area on the net. I can't believe that no one bothered to write even a one-liner on these places. Do they suck so bad? Has no one even shopped in an emergency at these places? Does everyone have a car and no one walks/bikes to these groceries anymore? :(

-Main Food Mart , 1130 Main St (**is this the one that closed?**)
-Latina's Grocery Store,250 Elmwood Ave
-Bills Food Mart, 32 Allen St
-O & N Market, 900 Main St
-Allentown Food Shoppe, 76 Elmwood Ave
-Main & Utica Market, 1381 Main St
-Citywide Food & Beauty Sppls, 137 Maple St
-O's Store,1436 Michigan Ave
-Paytel Corp Freddies Grocery, 315 Pennsylvania St (***is this the coop store?***)
-Westside Market, 255 Carolina St
-Holley Farms, 424 Pearl St
-Big Basha Foods, 844 Jefferson Ave
-Nashwan Minimarket Inc, 173 E Ferry St
-Super Market Enterprises, 460 Niagara St
-Buffalo Asian Market, 594 Niagara St
-Ganci's Grocery, 319 Massachusetts Ave
-Water Front Mini Mart, 259 Niagara St
-Corner Shop Mini Mart, 139 Vermont St
-Nammon Citgo Mart, 214 Porter Ave
-Mozeb's Groceries, 72 Pennsylvania St
-Broadway Mini Mart, 350 Broadway St
-99 Oriental Food Store, 837 Niagara St
-U S Quality Food Market, 471 E Ferry St
-Almatrahi Market, 163 W Ferry St
-Price Rite Market, 326 W Delavan Ave
-One Stop Mart, 302 Grant St
-Hamyar Food Corp, 449 William St
-S & A Grocery,1047 Genesee St
-Deannas Food Mart, 973 Fillmore Ave
-Shop Rite Supermarket, 1350 Fillmore Ave
-smh Food Market, 1027 Smith St
-William Mini Market, 654 William St
-Montes Grocery, 413 Swan St
-Save-A-Lot, 999 Broadway St
-N & N Food Market, 1266 Genesee St
-Hothara Food Market, 177 French St
drew - 06/15/07 22:30
Guercos is awesome. Wegmans is great for a big grocery store.
joshua - 06/15/07 21:34
I like the co-op but its rare that I shop there... and I all I ever have to do to go there is cross Auburn. I like Wegman's generally but if its produce you're looking for Guercio's is the place that supplies all of the upper end area restaurants - their standard is high and its nice to support a family owned store that isn't a conglomerate.

paul - 06/15/07 20:13
I think just about everyone prefers Wegmans. You will probably end up going there and really its not that far away if you take the elmwood bus it should be easy to get there.
uncutsaniflush - 06/15/07 19:50
There is also a Tops at 1275 Jefferson Avenue about halfway between Ferry and Best. It's about the same distance away from Summer and Linwood as the Tops on Niagara St. But,of course, it is on the "wrong" side of Main Street as described in (e:paul,39626)

Sad to say, even I didn't know that there was a Tops there until I worked an inventory there a couple of weeks ago.

The Tops on Niagara St. has a much larger Goya brand section than this one.
metalpeter - 06/15/07 19:08
If you don't mind going to Niagara there is Tops Niagara but I perfer Wegmens or the tops on Grant St. Sometimes I'll go to the tops on Elmwood in the Target Plaza. If you are looking for Asain stuff with out going to a supermarket there is another place (think it is still there) Called Phu Ti (or something like that) at Normal and Coneticut (sort of turns into bryntt at richmond).
terry - 06/15/07 17:47
unfortunately we just lost the "main" grocery store in our area, which was actually on Summer St. Hopefully it will become another grocery store...

Guercio's is good. There is a little produce store on Elmwood and Summer also. The Coop has decent stuff (a bit pricey sometimes) but it's a walk... On Niagara St. there are a couple Vietnamese places with very authentic (sometimes too authentic) items, but good when you need that one Indian/Thai spice that the regular stores just don't carry. The closest major store is going to be Tops on Niagara, which is also kinda a hike from you. But, on a bike, all these places are very doable.

Hope that helps. :)
chico - 06/15/07 17:46
i'm very interested in the responses to your post about downtown grocery stores, because i just moved to allentown and am wondering the same thing... long story short, don't get your hopes up! frankly, the grocery scene seems pretty limited.

(e:mrmike) is right about Guercio's, they have a lot of good Italian dry goods and jar stuff too, among many other delicious items they cram into that little store. on Elmwood Ave is the Lexington Co-op, which is on the expensive side but is the place to go for organic and/or vegetarian/vegan items, bulk grains/lentils etc. apart from these i'm a little lost...and am anxious to see what other (e:peeps) recommend!

thanks for making a good query :)
mrmike - 06/15/07 17:26
Guercios on Grant St is pretty good for produce.

06/13/2007 03:15 #39634

"Connection Line Charge: Element 2"
Category: whine
I was setting up the new phone/internet service for my future apartment and everything was going fine. Verizon has a sweet deal for $15 a month (comes to about $34 a month with the landline). I thought to myself, what a perfect little deal for a poor graduate student. And suddenly, out of nowhere came a whopping ~$75 initial charge. On minute inspection, a major chunk of that charge came from something called "Connection Line Charge: Element 2" worth about $40. There is no explanation of this charge on the verizon website so I googled and found this description in some random document:

On June 14, 1993, New England Telephone and Telegraph
Company ("NET" or "Company") filed with the Department of Public
Utilities ("Department"), revisions to the Company's tariffs
D.P.U. Mass. Nos. 10 and 15 to become effective July 14, 1993.
NET applies an Element 1 service ordering charge for the
receiving, recording, and processing of a customer's
request for service (Exh. NET-4, Tab E3). An Element 2
central office line connection charge is applied to recover
the costs of establishing or changing service in the
central office ( id., Tab E4)

It's a charge just to change a single name on a file. Oh well.
tinypliny - 06/15/07 17:15
Do the Vonage blokes provide internet services too?
jenks - 06/13/07 14:38
do you mean time warner cable? or do they offer dsl now?

I have vonage too... I've been pretty happy. They somehow managed to disconnect my service a while ago, without my authorization, which was a PITA, but generally it's pretty good, and cheap. now they even include international calls (mexico, canada, and a lot of western europe)- all unlimited for I think $35/mo. though I liked ATT's VOIP website better.

On cool vonage thing- they can send you an email when you get a voicemail- and now they will even transcribe the message into text.
fellyconnelly - 06/13/07 13:53
call verizon and ask them why it costs them $40 to change a name in the system. And if that is labor coara for the person who actually changes the name, then ask them if they are hiring.
drew - 06/13/07 11:54
We decided to get time warner dsl and vonage.

Vonage is good. Time warner was kinda rough, but we got through it.

06/11/2007 11:12 #39605

Parking spaces around Mayflower?
Category: flat hunt
So the moving date is steadily drawing near. I am thinking of driving into Buffalo with a rental SUV (someone else will be doing the driving). We would need to park temporarily on the curbside till I unload all my stuff and take it inside Mayflower. Then we would need to park the SUV somewhere close till we take everything upstairs and lock up. How strict is curbside towing outside Mayflower on Sunday mornings? Is there somewhere near that we can park temporarily till we return the SUV?
mrmike - 06/13/07 08:23
Nah, typically they are pudgy types in pickup trucks who apply too much machismo in issue parking summons
tinypliny - 06/13/07 03:17
Who are "meter maids"? Aren't they real cops too? I am confused...
mrmike - 06/11/07 20:32
Weekends no worries, just got to watch for alternate street parking fun. With all the festivals, it sometimes has the meter maids thinking that they are real cops
drew - 06/11/07 13:11
Welcome. I'm new here, too, but I love it!
tinypliny - 06/11/07 12:59
Thanks! I was actually looking for answers to those exact issues. Moving, parking and hauling everything is somewhat stressful. Mainly because, despite trying hard not to hold on to anything, my worldly belongings have steadily grown over the past couple years. I still don't have any huge furniture, but the books and the kitchen stuff has added up to an SUV capacity bulk. Quite scary, actually. Maybe I will just resort to leaving my stuff on my curb. All the time, I walked past nice stuff lying out on the curb, I used to think who throws *that* out on the street. Now, I know exactly what are the "nice" things I am going to have to throw. *Sigh*
leetee - 06/11/07 12:45
You're very welcome. Glad you found my ramble informative. :O)

And a pre-move welcome to Buffalo! (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i are newbies here, too... only been 2 1/2 years.
tinypliny - 06/11/07 12:16
Hey, thanks very much for that very detailed reply! I really appreciate it. As they say, fore-warned is fore-armed! I am just really glad I have a great information source. Thanks ans looking forward to moving into your fabulous city. :)
leetee - 06/11/07 11:27
I don't know how strict towing is around the Mayflower, since we were always good and parked legally. I don't think i ever saw anyone towed, but i did see a few bright orange parking tickets.

I'm not sure how things are now, but 2 years ago when (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i lived at the Mayflower, we had to move in and out through the basement on the west side of the building. Down through the basement entrance, across the basement and up the east side elevators up to the 7th floor where we lived.

The landlord would not let us move in or out through the front door, despite the fact that someone else was doing it at the time.

We went in to the basement from the west side of the building where there is an illegal space by the dumpster. On Sunday, i assume there will be fewer problems parking there than there would be during the week when the dumpster might get picked up. And i think, while you are actually moving, there shouldn't be too many probs, but check with the super.

There are a few legal parking spaces at the front of the building. On weekends, along Linwood, you can park on either side of the street. We heard that parking North of Summer has more risks for break-ins, but we didn't have any problems with that in the 6 months we lived in that building.

Hope some of that helped you... or at least didn't discourage you from moving.

Good luck... and don't let moving stress you out too much!