I know someone is going to hate me for this, but it seems like the more graphic designers I work with the less respect I have for the profession. I definately do not think that print designers should be allowed to touch the web. Sounds pretty strong I guess but most of them really suck at web design and cannot understand how the graphics are not simply static blobs places on the page but have to include functional parts of the page. I wrote about this last year during the same ride website drama
Mayeb I am just a web snob but it is amazing how much people can get wrong: from color matching, the layout, to design.
I have written about this like 10 times. Web design is no longer cutting up pictures in photoshop and placing them into static tables. Look at this graphic from part of a website that someone wanted me to construct. I am so sick of people building websites in photoshop. It is so 1875 in internet years.
Look at this disaster. Can even the totally untrained eye see that the blues do not match and that the darker blue bar is one or two pixels off from the lighter blue section. This kind of thing is a result of sloppy photoshopping. It makes me crazy.
Like this huge ancient sarcastic pasha.
wow - you do look evil.
Normaly I don't think that he looks anything like jesus but the way the lighting is he kinda does in this picture. Also Paul and Sarah both look like some Animee Characters but who they would be I'm not sure Paul even looks like a video game character as well.
matthew is looking more and more like Jesus. You look a little evil in that pic though.