I don't understand why my tenants just don't get the rental thing. For years they have been late, full of excuses and big complainers. I think none of them have rented before this or something. I mean who just doesn't pay their rent. I rented out an apartment at $550 and let the woman rent out the other two rooms to other students. It is a three bedroom after all. Then when they move out or don't pay she feels like she doesn't have to. This makes me insane because I am paying a mortgage on the place. Does she really think that I am going to rent out a 3 bedroom second floor apartment, 3 houses from d'Youville for $183 a month. I just want them to move out so I can start all over again with people that have a general understanding of the rental process and the means to pay on time.
Months ago we requested that they mail the checks because they were always late and
(e:terry) and I were sick of stopping by 15 times a month trying to pick up the rent. They always have some excuse. Then the woman tells me she can't mail the rent because it is too hard and too expensive. After a whole bunch of drama I told her ok, she could leave it at the house for me but it better be there on time. Well now this month it is January 14th and I still have no rent from anyone in that apartment.
Maybe if you cannot afford a stamp you should not be in graduate school at d'youville and expect to live in an apartment three houses away from school. There is the whole rest of the much cheaper west side. Or maybe if you can't afford America you shouldn't go to school here. I mean I never tried to go to school in Switzerland. I knew it was to expensive for me.
My Letter Today
Dear Tenant,
I have still not received any rent from your apartment for January 07. It is totally unaccepable to not have paid rent this far into the month (Jan 14th). If you are out of town this long, you need to pay in advance.
The fact that we have to keep driving to your house and checking the mailbox is extremely irritating. This is why I asked that you send me the rent in the mail. You insisted you would have it in the box on time and you haven't. I expect you to send me the rent in the mail.
My address is ...
If I do not receive the rent in Full ($550) by Friday via US postal service, consider this a thirty day eviction notice.
Paul Visco
Their Response
Sorry that this has been happed. I have been told from the bank that december rent still in my account. I gave the December check to Henrry. In order to pay the current month I have to show my bank in Canada that the money for rent of the previous months has been taken. On Janaury 5th it was not withdrawn.
Tuesday I am going to be there, please remember that I only responsable for my portion of the rent (183).
thanks Tenant
My Response
I explained this to you before. We are not renting the apartment out as rooms. The rent for the apartment is $550. If you have 3 roommates it is $183 each, with 2 roomates it is $275 each , and with one person it is $550.
If the full rent of $550 for the apartment cannot be paid between the tenants in the apartment then you are going to have to move out. Consider this your 30 day notice. I cannot afford to rent a furnished 3 bedroom apartment for $183. I pay more than that for the mortgage.
It is to late now if you didn't but I guessing or hoping that you measured that stove and the one at home. Yeah normally that wouldn't matter but with where your stove is set up in the kitchen from what I remember it has to be the exact size. Oh once installed you may want to remind people not to lean on it as they could set them selves on fire.
Next Time y'all are in DC, we can eat here: :::link:::
All you can eat seafood/sushi!!!
thats a pretty boss stove.