They sell pomegranite seeds. Seems like everything is getting more convenient these days.

I think this is ridiculous. I mean who is going to pay almost $2.00 for a half of a tiny apple cut up. I know I wouldn't and what a waste of plastic.

I bought crab meat and at it with yummy lemon butter sauce. I figure got to hurry up and eat it all before there is no more seafood in the ocean.

It probably will not help my strange high blood pressure. The second number just keeps climbing up and it seems to be in the high blood range now. I am, however, on astragalus today for my lungs and I think it raises your blood pressure. Will I die if both numbers are the same? Jenks, anyone?

I know thats why I track them twisted. At first I thought it was the astragalus but then I read, "Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to promote the discharge of urine, lower blood pressure, and increase endurance." So great I was on a blood pressure reducing herb when I got that reading.
Oh how I love Weggies.
Funny, I put a pomegranate in my salad last night and was thinking "what a pain in the ass, I wish I could buy it already opened up."
I wouldn't worry about the BP. The bottom number (diastolic) being VERY high is not great, but 91 is no big deal. (And they can't ever be the same. Won't happen.) :)
Is this a trend, (e:paul,4376) ? Because it's kind of scary.