My head mounted camera that
(e:naturephoto) 's suggested when we were chatting one night. It seems pretty awesome.
The package reports that it can be used up to 3 meters underwater and has some people scuba diving with it. It takes a standard memory card and uses standard usb and has a tv hookup. It is the epitomy of standard., I cannot wait to see what version of movie it makes. The package reports it record at 640x480 at 30fps.
It is weird to have a camera without a viewfinder but it rocks that you can attach it to your body and that it costs only ~$120.
What is silicone grease and why don't I want to eat it?
Here is a video from it. It is about 800k which is quite tiny. I makes standard compliant avi files that works in both windows media player and quicktime. The camera simply mounts as an external drive just like a usb jump drive with all the videos on it - without a driver or install disk! I think that is a miracle. However, the videos look really bad in low light as is expected for $100.
::Download Flash Video::
That is so cool! What is anybody going to get you for your birthday if you keep buying fun stuff for yourself? Hmm, I wonder how much it costs to ship Ikea silverware, haha.
Make sure you don't give in to the urge to eat the silicone grease.
The ports are sealed inside the rubberized tube and have a rubberized screw on cap.
the silicone grease is probably for waterproofing efforts.
is there a seal for the ports?
that does sound cool