Positively Lame Ass
On another note, Positively Main Street on elmwood sucks. They ban mobile from their junk store for everyone except doctors. I used to spend a couple hundred there each Christmas but not anymore.

It's 2007, that is ridiculous people are going to have to just learn to integrate other people's mobile tech into their space.
It seems really weird that a small junk store like that would ever put limits on the customers.
Why does rack of lamb cost $44.00 uncooked at the coop?

you will b pleased to hear that I just took the beagle for a walk and as we walked past positively main street he decided to piss in the doorway, I thought it very amusing!
1: that yellow clinque cream is awesome
2: I can understand no cellphones in restaurants, movies, etc- but a store? whatever. Just say you're a doctor. What are they going to do, ask for ID? LAME. Maybe I'll go in and just call all sorts of people and talk about random non-medical shit.
Over the summer, i was in Positively Main Street looking for a gift for my friend, Mark. I ended up finding something small in there and i was a bit surprised to find out that they didn't even have a cash register. Been many moons since i have had to have my credit card imprinted and gotten a hand written recipt...
There is a store near me that I just blanked on where they cell food near latinas and they have a no cell phone Policy. I think it is actually a good idea. The reason is a lot of people don't know how to use them. 1. They talk all loud 2. They talk about stuff in public that I don't want to hear 3. They argue with someone on the other end 4. It is really rude to talk to someone when at the register . It used to be that when you went to a little store you looked around and might run into some you know or just start talking to some one. Oh yeah it also keeps out those people who think they are the most important person in the world types often now seen with an earpiece. The part that I think is bullshit is that they allow doctors to have cells. So they have this policy and a reason for it but then they say that they can waive the moral reasons for it, for doctors. That basicly means they have no code at all. I'm not aganist cell phones but there are aspects, like them going off during a movie or a meating that are negative.
why would you not want the free publicity? now that makes no sense at all.