I am like 10 posts behind I have collected a whole lot of media including an extended photoshoot of
(e:lilho) but I got so caught up in work and evrything else I never posted it. Then I got sick.
I first noticed my nose just kept dripping but I felt otherwise fine, then I had fever and sore throat and coughing and stomach sickness.
I really hope no one at Roswell got my germs because I ate in he cafeteria yesterday.
It's so sad when you see the people with face masks and you know how sick they must be.
I found this wig on the way to work the other day. I wonder what it's story is. At first I thought maybe there was a body attached but there wasn't enough space in the leaves.
(E:hodown) sent m the largest box of frozen food from the omaha company that I hve ever seen. Steaks, burger, twice baked potatoes, bacon wraped steak, and crAb stuffed sole. Yum. It was so nice. Unfortunately, it came to roswell and I don't have an oven. I think this will be the impetus to buy the oven. It was weird to pick food up in refrigerated medical shipping. So I decided to run it home. When I got home I realized my wallet was missing and I couldn't get in the house. I had to have had it when I left because I need it to scan out of Roswell.
I knew
(e:matthew) was home so I rang the bell like 5000 times but he couldn't here it from the attic. So I started to panic. Leave the food and it will get stolen. Forget about the wallet and it will get stolen. I decided to leave the food in the back but by the time I got back up from matt was there and I brought the food in. Apparently, five minutes I too long for a wallet on main street. It was gone when I got back.
I ran up and down my path from work to home twice. Probably, how I got sick but the wLlet was nowhere. Then today I got it back in the mall sans cash which is fine with me. Thanks whoever returned it.
Iraq Will always be a mess. I don't think Saddam's death changes anything. After we won the war we dispaned there army, turns out that was a bad idea. The people in that army could keep order and things undercontrol. You have 3 groups of people who don't like each other and never did but Saddam when he wasn't murdering Shites could keep them in line. Can you train the new Military yes but the problem is by the time they are good enough (and everyone is loyal) everyone in the country is going to hate us even those people who are glad we are there. How would you like it if the military came into buffalo and said Giamabra is a crook and they exposed all the evil Buffalo politians and through them all out of office and Said we now rule Buffalo. At first Yes. But when you are walking home drunk from a bar or to a bar and they point a gun at you and tell you to go home it isn't fun anymore. When they tell you how to live and belive that they are better then you and that you need saving it isn't so good anymore. When you call the cops cause your house was broken into and the military thinks you might be the person who broke in a draw M-16 on you as they ask for ID (oh yeah that was stoletn) so you can't prove you live there then it gets a little scary. I'm not sure what the soulution is maybe make iraq 3 countries or areas and have one goverment run by each sect. We are the ones that caused all this trouble we owe it to the people to try to fix there country in a timely matter.
well, sylvia brown did predict Bush would pull troops out of there this year...jk jk jk! I wonder if there is validity to the threat of terrorist activities in response to his death.