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Perhaps the happiest piggy bank in the world. It is so stuffed full of coins that the coins overflow into his sty below.
A ho or a monster you decide.
Nice skin after the facial.
This guy has nice eyebrows.
I cannot believe they already have 750GB drives for around $300 retail price. That mean soon we will not longer see drives listed in GB but instead in TB. Remember the last of the 750MB drives when the 1GB drive came out. Do you think this could be the end of mp3 compressed music storage. I keep wondering when we will no longer need to store images and sound in compressed format. Or it could just be the beginning of the true video age.
The noise in the attic is not a third floor burglar but a colony of the fattest squirrels I have ever seen. Seriously they are about the size of cats and they are very territorial. I am going to try and get a video of them.
i lived with a family of refugees from somalia when i was 13. they left somalia because their land was taken over by ethiopia and there was a war going on. they fled to the u.s., only to find that they couldn't stay here as immigration had already tightened in the mid to late eighties, so they went to canada.
they stayed with us in the meantime. the only somalian i remember is mag-a-a, what's your name?
i came home from summer camp one day to find a family i didn't know in my house. they didn't speak english and didn't understand my spanish (i knew they were african, but i figured i'd try anyway...) then i walked upstairs to find that there were more children in my bedroom and i was moved in to share a room with my sister. only the guy spoke english and the woman was about 9 months pregnant with baby number 6. interesting experience living with them.
i think it is very manger like! Totally the manger scene through kangaroos!
The thing about the kangaroo, etc. - there is no correlation as far was what I see and I am absolutely, 100% positive that the search engine wanted to do something festive that was relatively religion neutral.
Ethiopia and Somalia have been at war, on and off, for the past 40 years. It doesn't particularly have anything to do with religion although on some level I'm sure that is a motivating factor. For years they have been disputing land acquisitions. A problem with Somalia is that there really isn't an effective central government... as far as Somali people are concerned there can be no effective central government unless this government takes a militant stance towards occupation of what they believe is Somali land by other countries - Ethiopia and Kenya included. Historically there has been major, major animosity between these two countries.
Under British colonialism, a segment of land between Somalia and Ethiopia was controlled by the British and subsequently was given via a treaty to Ethiopia. Somalia disputes the legitimacy of the treaty, so there you go. Most reports that I have read on the subject generally put the origin of the hostility on Somalia but I think its hard to be positive, but in the end it doesn't particularly matter because just like the Israeli/Palestinian conflict I don't believe that there will be a peaceful solution to what is going on in the horn of Africa either. They hate each other and that is the bottom line.
As far as the fighter jets, etc. goes - it wouldn't particularly surprise me if Ethiopia has jets while having a major humanitarian problem. We are seeing that exact scenario in North Korea, and historically much of Africa, just like Latin America, has been run by military juntas and/or dictators who rarely have given a concern about whether or not their people can feed themselves.
Ajay is correct that most of the war technology used by these countries is Soviet based, as is most of the weaponry, etc. throughout most of Asia and 'rogue' states as well. In fact most of the weapons circulated around the world are of Soviet origin. So much so that the American military has previously modified the M-16 so that could accept both American and Soviet munitions since often on the field of battle they scavenge the munitions of the enemy as they move.
Not much to know about the latest Ethiopian war since it is pretty new. But Ethiopia's neighbor and arch enemy is Eretrea and Eretrea supports the Islamic forces in Somalia which is the opposite side that Ethiopia supports. Eretrea was a part of Ethiopia and fought a long civil war to get independence. I think they had two wars after that, the first Ethiopia lost but the more recent one Ethiopia won big time. This is all from memory so if my facts are off, sorry bout that!
carolinian i hope that is a joke b/c if you know that kind of trivia I am a little frightened. :)
Actually, the Kangaroo is a well-recognized ancient symbol of the sacred feminine, the red bow represents the sangreal bloodline, and John the baptist had a well-known hatred of anything Australian. The artist is implicitly hinting that the female kangaroo is actually Mary Magdolyn, the male kangroo is Jesus, and the baby kangaroo is their descendant who is currently on display in a French museum.
Added later: here's a page on Ethiopian military: :::link:::
IIRC, the USSR was the biggest arms supplier to Ethiopia.
The poor 3rd-world nations were big customers of Soviet arms, because unlike the Americans, Soviet stuff is designed to be used in harsh conditions with minimal maintenance. Case in point: the AK47. Even the MiG fighters and the Mi-xx helicopters are built like tanks.
I don't see anything manger or Christ-like in the Google logo you posted. I just see a happy kangaroo family. But that's just me, if people see a manger and Jesus, Mary and Joseph in it, who am I to disagree? Graphics and logos are open to interpretation by the viewer.
Check out :::link::: for the evolution of the graphic.