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12/21/2006 00:24 #32859

Nikon Camera Wireless Post
Category: nikon
This post was sent directly from a Nikon camera.

This car was parked in the parking lot behind coles and india gate. We went there for lunch and when we came out, it's window was busted out. I guess elmwood is getting sketchier.
I wonder what got stolen.


That is gautum?, a cool database guy from work.

Spanish speaking advertisement on Deleware near West Delevan

I am really tired after a nearly 12 hour work day. I look totally crazed here. How on earth did I end up staying until 12:30. I was really surprised to see (e:enknot) return around 11. Thanks for the ride home.


Why the children's playtoy with the dumpster behind Coles on elmwood. It looks like a garbage playground.

I am sick of macaroni and cheese.

mike - 12/22/06 10:55
That picture from Cole's is funny!
hodown - 12/21/06 10:30
Hi Paul this is jessica, your old friend from buffalo. ive tried calling and texting you. I need a ride on sat, can you help a brother out? Call me..

12/21/2006 19:24 #32858

Being Locked Out
Category: nikon
This post was sent directly from a Nikon camera.

I am absolutely freezing right now. I locked myself out and have no wallet or money. It feels so crazy to have nothing besides the internet. I have to pee so bad and my internet connection can't help with that.

I can't get ahold of anyone, I hope (e:terry) comes home soon. In the meantime I am entertaining myself with my camera.

Look you can see my breathe.


Today (e:enknot) , (e:mrdeadlier) and I went to McDonalds and Burger King. Del ate his McDonalds at burger king and tony bought all three xbox burger king games.

In one of them you wander around and stuff peoples faces with burgers.

Do you guys think Ronald McDonald looks ready to film a porno in that pic?

Is there such thing as eggnog soup? And who gets an eat now, pay later Burger King credit card?




mike - 12/22/06 10:56
why didn't you call me when you were locked out or at least call me back! we were right at spot!

12/18/2006 15:35 #32857

Mobile Myspace
Category: mobile
For years now, the elmwoodstrip site has been mobile ready. I made the tools available since 2003 when no one was ready for mobile web. You can read and post from the most basic wap enabled phone and interact at an much more advanced level using a more modern phone such as a treo or pocket PC. Now slowly more and more users are getting phones that can interact with the site, yet I hardly see an increase in wireless posting. Perhaps, life in Buffalo is just too boring, lol. Perhaps it is my total lack of advertising this capabilty.

Who uses it besides (e:enknot) and I?

So why am I writing about this. It appears that myspace and cingular are pairing up to bring myspace to cingular mobile phones. This makes me insane. If I could do anything other than work at Roswell it would be working on mobile social networking sites. If anyone reads this from a mobile social networking site and can offer me a ridiculous salary and the ability to work from home, I am yours.

I am sure cingular will be sucessfull with this. I belive it is all about advertising as the feature set is trivial to duplicate as a technology. and Cingular Wireless announced today an initiative that crosses social networking into a new realm of possibility for those leading a mobile lifestyle.

The social networking site, popular for its features including the ability to share comments, photos and a personal look at ones life with family, friends and other members of the community, will now be available in a user friendly way for Cingular wireless customers.

The deal marks a large wireless initiative from MySpace and includes thee MySpace Mobile rich tool set for to editing profiles, viewing and adding friends, posting photos and blogs, and much more -- all from the mobile phone.

As per their partnership, Cingular and MySpace will provide users with a feature rich experience that incorporates the same functionality as the popular site, just enhanced for mobile phone usage. The service is available for $2.99 per month plus data usage charges.

These capabilities include uploading photos right from off of the mobile phone onto the site and searching friends or blogging on the go.

However, keeping in touch with friends and family while on the go may not be the only excitement to arise from the new announcement, as the available tools will make it possible to take photos, update profiles or include the happenings of user's lives onto their profiles in real-time.

"Not only are we excited about the ability for customers to stay connected to their MySpace community while they're on the go, we think this will open up a new world of interaction and content for them to share via MySpace," said Marc Lefar, chief marketing officer, Cingular Wireless in a statement.

"The photo upload feature of MySpace Mobile means Cingular customers will now have the ability to capture record and share their world as it happens via their MySpace profile, creating a more enriching experience for our customers as well as their MySpace friends."

To sign up for the service users text MYSPACE to 386 (FUN).

Also today, a new report by ABI Research (News - Alert), "mobile social communities," points to a rise in worldwide, on-the-go users in the upcoming years--growing from the current almost 50 million, to 174 million by 2011.

ABI analyst Clint Wheelock commented in a statement, "Such mobile social communities extend the reach of electronic social interaction to millions of people who don't have regular or easy access to computers."

"It has created a new paradigm for personal networking. In a logical progression, many social communities are now based on the mobile phone and other portable wireless devices instead of (or as well as) the PC."

theecarey - 12/18/06 21:01
Hey estrippers--who here has a WAP enabled phone?

Any would-be users need help in getting started? setting it up? etc? Besides a post, what other features would you want to log in on your cell phone for?

Although more people have a capable phone, most plans do not include a media package- -that is extra. However, most basic packages are about $15 --totally worth being able to have access to our beloved estrip! myspace? myass.

I imagine that competition (and critical mass) will drop the price and/or some Basic level will be included as part of the package; give it another year. Paul, I know you've been waiting since 2003, hang in there! ;)

Right now I pay a ridiculous amount to have unlimited media/web access- not everyone is ready or willing to do that. but how could i not have that with a pocket pc? My vice is to splurge on techy stuff, so you know I am in! ;)

if I was really clever, I would be posting this p:mobl style.

jessbob - 12/18/06 19:52
Though I usually dont post using my phone because I suck at typing, I usually read estrip on my phone. The site's mobile capability is one of the best. Thanks paul. ps I use a samsung a900m with sprint
metalpeter - 12/18/06 19:15
There is one thing that the article dosn't mention that I think my could some day get myspace in trouble, and that is video. Granted I don't know how long of a video you can have on myspace but lets say I go see 30 Seconds to Mars and Video one song then upload that to my page,they might not be to happy about that. But on the other hand say someone like Halifax or The Juliet Dagger who both have Myspace pages they could use the phone and post Video Before there concert is over. I wonder if this new service will encourage people to connect more with local people they know. Or if it will go in the other direction and spawn more web cam sites.
ejtower - 12/18/06 18:57
i'm too poor to afford a computer and a phone. when i do post things on here it is always from a mobile location, but its from my laptop via wifi.

so i'm out here.
jenks - 12/18/06 16:59
oh crap... mobile myspace, just what the world needs...

But what about Helio? I'm not really sure I get it, but they've been advertising mobile myspace for a long time now...
twisted - 12/18/06 16:55
Hmmm, myspace on Cingular or YouTube on :::link::: Verizon? I'd still pick estrip any day. And you don't even force me to choose a carrier -- as long as you keep writing filters for all the proprietary crap cell phone services insist on sending -- I can use any of them. But maybe you should strike a deal with T-Mobile anyway and get an estrip-branded phone (beating Apple and Google :::link::: to the punch line). I need one to match my high-tops. ;-)

12/17/2006 20:32 #32855

Car Crash
Category: accidents
My parents got into a car accident last night. I am glad they are ok. My mother has some bruising and is in a lot of pain but in general they seem healthy. Some guy went through a red light and smashed into them. Luckily it totaled the front end of the car but missed hitting the driver side door because otherwise my dad would have been in bad condition.

It's so crazy how an accident can happen at any time to anyone.

The mice got into a bag of chickpea flower and mixed it with nutmeg.

jenks - 12/17/06 20:37
oh crap, glad they're ok!! Did they end up at ECMC?
mrmike - 12/17/06 20:36
Wow,I'm glad for you and them. You hate to see and hear about stuff like that. Fate is a odd thing. It sounds like those "Safe happens" commercials from Volkswagon

12/18/2006 15:13 #32856

My Spine is crooked
Category: health
All the intense couch side laptop use is making the top of my spine crooked and making me shorter. I really need t get this sorted out as soon as possible as it is the source of all my headaches. I realize that the first step is refusing to work on the laptop when not sitting at a desk. I am just too tall to sit on the couch and compute. The other thing that helps is going to the gym. Something that I do not do enough of anymore. I have pretty much gone once in the last 3 months because (e:terry) refuses to go with me.

Does anyone know of a good chiropracter that could help me with the spine situation? I am pretty much in serious pain at this point.

On another note, I took today off because of the massive headache I have rearding this issue and thought that it would be a great day to deal with healthcare issues. Considering, I have had health insurance for over a year now, it is quite ridiculous I haven't used it yet.

I scheduled my first dentist appointment since 1998 at The Craig Mueller dentist office down the street from me on linwood. It is the same place that Nameless Bitch went to to have her tooth extracted. I am hoping there will be no extraction required on my visit.


In 1997 I had all my metal fillings (12 of them) removed and replaced with porcelin ones. I had to go to canada to have this done because the american dentist refused to take them out.

I had them removed because they are supposed to be bad for you.

They told me those ones had a lifespan of only 5-10 years so it seems like it has to be time to have them fixed. It was so nice to never have that shocking feeling when metal got in your mouth that used to happen all the time when I had the amalgam fillings.

mike - 12/18/06 22:22
teres works for a spine doctor and there is a chiropractor in the office too. It is like the buffalo spine and neck center or something. It is on Essjay in williamsville
metalpeter - 12/18/06 19:27
There is nothing wrong with computing on the couch you just need something higher then your lap like maybe a TV Dinner tray or something like that, that is easy to move. Another idea (but I can't think of anything high enough at your house) is to stand up and have the computer beneth you. Or you could always try laying down on the couch as you type but that might be just as awkward. I think the most important part is that you arn't bending in a weird way and that you mix up how your body postion is realitve to the laptop.
iriesara - 12/18/06 17:35
Paul, Zach's uncle is a chiropractor in Dunkirk. Kind of a drive, I know, but he is really good. Dr. Mark Kutner. I wouldn't give my name, though, he'll probably charge you more, tee hee!