This post was sent directly from a Nikon camera.
Thi sis the second year in a row I went with the team from work to One Eyed Jack's in Lockport for BBQ. You can check out their website here
The food is delicious. Especially their smoked chicken wings. They honestly taste amazing. It is rare I eat more than five but I think with these ones I could eat 15 as they are not deep fried and and not very greasy at all.
This is the second time in a week that I have been to a restaurant with an Alf doll on the wall. What is up with that. I was with tony and del both times. Coincidence?
At lunch today onc of my co-workers from China said that in Japan they grow pigs in boxes to make them square shaped as an art. I can find no evidence about this on google japanese
(GOOGLE - square shaped box pigs) but he has access to the web in chinese. The same web that brought you golden balls
Has anyone else heard of this?
For some reason I can picture you taking pictures during the New Years Eve party and sending them to the site as the party happens to encourage more people to show up, I could be compelety wrong, but the camera does look like it takes great pictures.