Does anyone know of a good chiropracter that could help me with the spine situation? I am pretty much in serious pain at this point.
On another note, I took today off because of the massive headache I have rearding this issue and thought that it would be a great day to deal with healthcare issues. Considering, I have had health insurance for over a year now, it is quite ridiculous I haven't used it yet.
I scheduled my first dentist appointment since 1998 at The Craig Mueller dentist office down the street from me on linwood. It is the same place that Nameless Bitch went to to have her tooth extracted. I am hoping there will be no extraction required on my visit.

In 1997 I had all my metal fillings (12 of them) removed and replaced with porcelin ones. I had to go to canada to have this done because the american dentist refused to take them out.
I had them removed because they are supposed to be bad for you.

teres works for a spine doctor and there is a chiropractor in the office too. It is like the buffalo spine and neck center or something. It is on Essjay in williamsville
There is nothing wrong with computing on the couch you just need something higher then your lap like maybe a TV Dinner tray or something like that, that is easy to move. Another idea (but I can't think of anything high enough at your house) is to stand up and have the computer beneth you. Or you could always try laying down on the couch as you type but that might be just as awkward. I think the most important part is that you arn't bending in a weird way and that you mix up how your body postion is realitve to the laptop.
Paul, Zach's uncle is a chiropractor in Dunkirk. Kind of a drive, I know, but he is really good. Dr. Mark Kutner. I wouldn't give my name, though, he'll probably charge you more, tee hee!