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12/29/2006 14:19 #32876

Steaks, Wigs and Being Sick
Category: health
I am like 10 posts behind I have collected a whole lot of media including an extended photoshoot of (e:lilho) but I got so caught up in work and evrything else I never posted it. Then I got sick.

I first noticed my nose just kept dripping but I felt otherwise fine, then I had fever and sore throat and coughing and stomach sickness.

I really hope no one at Roswell got my germs because I ate in he cafeteria yesterday.


It's so sad when you see the people with face masks and you know how sick they must be.


I found this wig on the way to work the other day. I wonder what it's story is. At first I thought maybe there was a body attached but there wasn't enough space in the leaves.


(E:hodown) sent m the largest box of frozen food from the omaha company that I hve ever seen. Steaks, burger, twice baked potatoes, bacon wraped steak, and crAb stuffed sole. Yum. It was so nice. Unfortunately, it came to roswell and I don't have an oven. I think this will be the impetus to buy the oven. It was weird to pick food up in refrigerated medical shipping. So I decided to run it home. When I got home I realized my wallet was missing and I couldn't get in the house. I had to have had it when I left because I need it to scan out of Roswell.

I knew (e:matthew) was home so I rang the bell like 5000 times but he couldn't here it from the attic. So I started to panic. Leave the food and it will get stolen. Forget about the wallet and it will get stolen. I decided to leave the food in the back but by the time I got back up from matt was there and I brought the food in. Apparently, five minutes I too long for a wallet on main street. It was gone when I got back.

I ran up and down my path from work to home twice. Probably, how I got sick but the wLlet was nowhere. Then today I got it back in the mall sans cash which is fine with me. Thanks whoever returned it.
james - 12/31/06 21:50
I see hair extensions on my street all the time. But a whole whig is a jackpot. Congrats.
chico - 12/29/06 16:47
Wow, you actually got the wallet back. I know I'd trade whatever cash I was carrying for the relief of not having to go through the whole DMV/credit card/photo ID rigamarole (sorry, (e:jenks), didn't mean to open old wounds.)
jenks - 12/29/06 15:00
yeah those omaha steaks are awesome- and the dry ice is fun to play with. That sucks about the wallet- but awesome that someone sent it back. Hope you feel better!
joshua - 12/29/06 14:46
Omaha - the bomb steaks! You'll enjoy that stuff.

12/26/2006 16:39 #32874

Cremey Goodness and Mobile Phobics
Category: elmwood
I left work early to take (e:hodown) to the airport. I got clinique crème from her for christmas. I know it sounds so fagtastic but really I think any man could enjoy this unscented smooth crème and all the pleasures it can offer.


Positively Lame Ass
On another note, Positively Main Street on elmwood sucks. They ban mobile from their junk store for everyone except doctors. I used to spend a couple hundred there each Christmas but not anymore.


It's 2007, that is ridiculous people are going to have to just learn to integrate other people's mobile tech into their space.

It seems really weird that a small junk store like that would ever put limits on the customers.

Why does rack of lamb cost $44.00 uncooked at the coop?

brit - 12/27/06 19:56
you will b pleased to hear that I just took the beagle for a walk and as we walked past positively main street he decided to piss in the doorway, I thought it very amusing!
jenks - 12/27/06 00:33
1: that yellow clinque cream is awesome
2: I can understand no cellphones in restaurants, movies, etc- but a store? whatever. Just say you're a doctor. What are they going to do, ask for ID? LAME. Maybe I'll go in and just call all sorts of people and talk about random non-medical shit.
leetee - 12/26/06 18:56
Over the summer, i was in Positively Main Street looking for a gift for my friend, Mark. I ended up finding something small in there and i was a bit surprised to find out that they didn't even have a cash register. Been many moons since i have had to have my credit card imprinted and gotten a hand written recipt...
metalpeter - 12/26/06 17:57
There is a store near me that I just blanked on where they cell food near latinas and they have a no cell phone Policy. I think it is actually a good idea. The reason is a lot of people don't know how to use them. 1. They talk all loud 2. They talk about stuff in public that I don't want to hear 3. They argue with someone on the other end 4. It is really rude to talk to someone when at the register . It used to be that when you went to a little store you looked around and might run into some you know or just start talking to some one. Oh yeah it also keeps out those people who think they are the most important person in the world types often now seen with an earpiece. The part that I think is bullshit is that they allow doctors to have cells. So they have this policy and a reason for it but then they say that they can waive the moral reasons for it, for doctors. That basicly means they have no code at all. I'm not aganist cell phones but there are aspects, like them going off during a movie or a meating that are negative.
vycious - 12/26/06 16:45
why would you not want the free publicity? now that makes no sense at all.

12/26/2006 10:35 #32873

Buffalo Rising
Category: web
What is going on with Buffalo Rising these days? I seems like it only gets slower and slower on my broadband connection. I hate the way it loads in chunks and takes so long. Sometimes it takes almost 30 seconds to load a single page. I am going to inspect it more today and see if I can figure out what is causing the delay.
zobar - 12/26/06 12:31
I think their ad server is phux0r3d, because the page loads up to the point there's an ad, stops for a minute, loads up to the next ad, stops, &c.

- Z

12/26/2006 10:23 #32872

Chaos Erupts Inside North Buffalo Movie
Category: elmwood
Chaos Erupts Inside North Buffalo Movie Theater -
As quoted from Channel 4 news

(Buffalo, NY, December 26, 2006) - Chaos erupted inside a North Buffalo movie theater Monday night. It was the scene at the Regal Cinemas on Elmwood Avenue around nine o'clock Monday night.

Police say several fights broke out involving dozens of teenagers.

It apparently began in both the lobby area and inside several theatres, and then quickly spilled outside...

Sounds like the regal is going to go the way of the disco theater that used to be across the street.

mike - 12/27/06 22:25
yeah, that is insane!
metalpeter - 12/26/06 18:15
Wait wasn't that Christmas night. That is why I go during the day cause it isn't crowded and the thugs arn't out, well it is cheaper to. Well I shouldn't say that I don't know what caused the fights or who was fighting. I don't even know if it was the same people who caused the cheap show to go out of business. But when stuff like this happens it isn't hard to wonder why companies would rather be in the burbs. What it then does sometimes is make people who arn't in that group not want to go to the show. I don't know if the kids where white, black , spanish or maybe even all girls. But what I do know is that if they are black it makes whites not want to go. Since they are teens it makes adults not want to go. What then may happen is when one crowd stops going and not buying tickets for there kind of moives then the theatre dosn't get those kinds of movies any more and they make less money and go out of business(if no one goes to see a certain type of movie then the theatre won't carry them and lose money). That is basicly what happened to the Original Market Aracade in downtown Buffalo. I'm not saying that there has never been a fight in the burbs but You never hear about it. The odd thing is that I read about this on wgrz's web site and they didn't know what caused the fights either. I did go to the movies today and there was a cop there. And people on the bus where talking about fights ate the movies but no details. This may have been an isolated one time thing. Hopefully for everyone who likes to go to the movies and knows how to behave them selves and not act like they are on The O.C. or be a thug this is the last time it happens. It would be a shame if a few people ruined and put out of business a second Elmwood Theatre.

12/25/2006 22:24 #32871

Some Christmas Videos
Category: holiday
Shopping With (e:mike) the day before christmas eve at the Galleria.

::Download Flash Video::

I am dreaming of a muddy christmas. I probably should not sing and drive while recording video.

::Download Flash Video::

vycious - 12/25/06 23:14
best christmas carol, EVER!