I first noticed my nose just kept dripping but I felt otherwise fine, then I had fever and sore throat and coughing and stomach sickness.

I really hope no one at Roswell got my germs because I ate in he cafeteria yesterday.

It's so sad when you see the people with face masks and you know how sick they must be.

I found this wig on the way to work the other day. I wonder what it's story is. At first I thought maybe there was a body attached but there wasn't enough space in the leaves.

(E:hodown) sent m the largest box of frozen food from the omaha company that I hve ever seen. Steaks, burger, twice baked potatoes, bacon wraped steak, and crAb stuffed sole. Yum. It was so nice. Unfortunately, it came to roswell and I don't have an oven. I think this will be the impetus to buy the oven. It was weird to pick food up in refrigerated medical shipping. So I decided to run it home. When I got home I realized my wallet was missing and I couldn't get in the house. I had to have had it when I left because I need it to scan out of Roswell.
I knew (e:matthew) was home so I rang the bell like 5000 times but he couldn't here it from the attic. So I started to panic. Leave the food and it will get stolen. Forget about the wallet and it will get stolen. I decided to leave the food in the back but by the time I got back up from matt was there and I brought the food in. Apparently, five minutes I too long for a wallet on main street. It was gone when I got back.
I ran up and down my path from work to home twice. Probably, how I got sick but the wLlet was nowhere. Then today I got it back in the mall sans cash which is fine with me. Thanks whoever returned it.
I see hair extensions on my street all the time. But a whole whig is a jackpot. Congrats.
Wow, you actually got the wallet back. I know I'd trade whatever cash I was carrying for the relief of not having to go through the whole DMV/credit card/photo ID rigamarole (sorry, (e:jenks), didn't mean to open old wounds.)
yeah those omaha steaks are awesome- and the dry ice is fun to play with. That sucks about the wallet- but awesome that someone sent it back. Hope you feel better!
Omaha - the bomb steaks! You'll enjoy that stuff.