Headed on down to the elmwood village today to get some lunch at Globe market. I had the tasty rice and chicken soup with turkey sandwich combo. They had olive-chocolate bars. Can you believe it (e:mike), someone is marketing what we discovered years ago - that olives taste really good with chocolate. They cost $6.29 per bar. Can you believe it?!

770 Elmwood
We parked in the parking lot next to the Globe Market and the back half of it was flooded with water too deep to walk in. I wonder why they didn't plan this out a little better and make it either more level or slanted so that water would drain down to the street instead of pooling in the back.

Has anyone noticed the building next to the Globe Market and Wilson's Farms is beginning to appear abandoned. I mean maybe it was always abandoned but there is not even a window anymore on the second story side facing Globe market.

Kunis To Go
On the way home we saw a sign on the corner of Lexington and Elmwood for Kuni's To Go.

Looks like Kuni opended up a new to go sushi restaurant right next to where the coop used to be. I am so excited about this and plan to get lots of sushi and sashimi from there. They have a website and you can order by fax. I wish the website was a little more technologically advanced so that you could just order online. I mean isn't ordered by fax a little lame for high technology and a little over the top for low technology. If anyone from the restaurant reads this - I could help you get an online order system up and running and I would be easy to use and cheap to maintain.
Here is a sample from the site

It appears to be a locally made website - by ingenious

Went out with nameless bitch, (e:matthew) and dave last night. We played pool and darts for a bit. I drank enough vodka and waters to be a bit tipsy.

Here we are making myspace faces

After drinking it is hard to keep nameless bitch out of the leftovers. She got into (e:matthew) milky egg soup but added ketchup and mustard to it.

I wish I could show you the video of this experience but I have been forbidden from posting it.

Got to love Kuni's back with take out.....Also, my favorite thing about the Globe Market is the dark chocolate aero bars,,,,,,,yum
I want to see the video!
never thought of chocolates and olives together.
that is insane that someone has marketed that great combination of olives and chocolate. I wish we would have thought of that when we discovered it years ago!
it's true, I can't help myself... beer seems to dull my taste buds and increase my already enormous hunger tenfold. (e:pmt) are scared that one night I will actually lose control and eat them