The most important step is removing food from lying around but my roommates seem to have real trouble with that, For a while we had traps and caught a lot of them. But then we had to give the humane traps back. I am at the point where I hate them enough to step on them, so humane traps are not my utmost concern. I feel like they are invading my space now. They are even bold enough to come out during light hours. I would use poison but I am afraid that it will end up somehow killing the squirrels. In fact I am sure about it.
So I guess we will have to try the traps again. I just wish everyone would remember to not leave food out. Last night after talking about this a lot, there were crackers smashed on the floor, I found this because the mouse was trying to run out and drag them under.
Here is all the crap I found around the house the other night when i got home from work at around midnight. And it is like this every freakin' day.

On a sadder note, the baby sugar glider died. The mother is a crack whore with no parenting skills. She pretty much just threw the baby out of the nest onto the floor.

just step on them. ugh i am pretty sure I hate any animal that can be stepped on
I used to be much messier. I admit at the 444 I was particularly messy but since the mouse problem I have made a concerted effort to not leave food around.
on behalf of the roomates and as the actual goblin that clears up the plates that (e:paul) leaves lying around in the living room, the sink the stove top etc and forgets about then assumes he never used in the first place, I would ask you not to encourage his delusions, the only reason he gets away with it is because none of us can be arsed to take photos of his constant mess!
funny paul, I was JUST wondering about the babies (baby? what happened to the other one?) b/c a guy at work as sugar gliders and we were talking about them today.
I agree with peter- may be time to call in a pro. Usually the mice you SEE are just the tip of the iceberg.
It is to bad you are allergic to cats cause they might be able to solve the mice problem, however they might also go after the sugar gliders. I think the posion might be just as bad as the cat. I don't know how you find this out but I think you need to find where they get in. If you can somehow close that up then if you catch or kill them all then you won't have anymore. You may want to talk to a good extremanator and find out if there is anything that would get rid of them but not effect you guys or any of your pets.
Golly, your roommates are running a very nice restaurant for the mice. How sweet of them. <g>
Good luck with getting rid of the mice.
Awe, so sorry to hear about the baby squirrel!! Poor thing... i guess all moms are not created equal in the animal world, too, damnit.
Mice.. yeah, we have a bold one, or family that invades in the early part of the season. One time, i was on the sofa, and it came up and over the back of it. Scared me... i must have screamed like a little girl.
Luckily, i am a bit of a neat freak, so there are rarely any crumbs and the rodents move on to somewhere else... we think.
Although, (e:Uncutsaniflush) said he saw a rat in our yard...
Good luck with the mice.
Yo, roomies, clean up! :O)
i didnt realize they could be such a problem. ive had mice in a few apts. even rats. they never seemed to be such a pain, however. did you try talking to the church peoples about the problem?