Started out with a trip to the Larking Building to see the Leonardo de Vinci exhibit.

When they say that Leonardo invented the helicopter, this is what they meant.

They also had this really nice Rocroft Table that would look sweet in our new dining room. Unfortunately, it is not for sale and says do not touch. Not that I could ever afford it.

Afterwards we stopped Uncle Sam's Army Navy Surplus. It is the largest army navy surplus store I ever saw although it smells extreemly moldy - they really do have everything - that is othe rthan geiger counters. I really want one so I asked. Does anyone know where I could get one in town?

They did have these totally transparent microwave radiation protection suits. I almost bought one.

Afterwards, we headed over to Tifft Farm. Nothing like a nature preserve build on a land fill.

Anyone want to contribute to a portable geiger counter fund. I am dying to map out radioactivity readings in buffalo on web based maps. Looks liek the portable unit costs around $250.
I used to work for this place :::link::: - they don't usually sell to the public but I bet they'd totally hook you up if you could get some kind of official-looking P.O. from Roswell.
- Z