The food was delicious. I had fried calamari, fried ravioli, tortelini in vodka creme sauce, peach and raspeberry italian ice, italian sausage, streak and dandelions, clams, and ice cream. I love whatever that lobster hot place is, even if it is not overhwelmingly italian. They have really good seafood.

They had some sort of Italian Dancers from our sister city in Italy. Sorry the pic is so blurry.

The fried calamari from Lombardos are the same lame, pre-fab frozen ones that you get a Casa Di Pizza. The ones down the street at Fillippos - were so much better. You could see them actually breading the calamari and frying it. Not to mention tha it was a combination of legs and rings which I prefer. (e:mike) only likes the rings.
I don't know what it is about Lorigos but people were willing to wait over a half an hour in live to get their food. The flyer said they were a wholesale place form Grant Street. Somehow, in my whole Buffalo Italian life I never got introduced to that. It can't be that far away from Guercios.

Yummy italian ice. It had the perfect consistency and flavor to me.

I wish I could have gotten more pictures but my hands got so greasy so fast.
How can they always have free ice cream everywhere? Did anyone try it at the taste or at the Italian Festival.

I didn't eat that all myself. I shared it with (e:mike), (e:mk), (e:terry) and (e:matthew) - I didn't realize how fatass it made me sound without explaing that, lol.
Yeah I tried the ice cream at both places it is half choc half vanilla. I think they way they can afforid it is by giving out coupons they figure it will get other to buy there brand. I also think that if they give away a certain about of ice cream maybe they can count that of a lose of money and use it aganist there over all profits so maybe it lowers the tax they have to pay not sure. I also think that a lot of people have never heard of turkey hill plus they have free pictures you can take with the cow I guess that would be another form of advertisement. Wow you really had a lot of food. I tried one of the places fried parsley ravolis that was preaty good.
the place was Fillippos I believe