The Dorchester Block Sale is the lamest blocksale I have seen. I kind of expected better stuff for such a fancy street.
On another note, I met with my thesis advisor and she liked my thesis, gave me a couple additional notes which my computer somehow deleted (hopefully I remember them) and it looks like I will graduate after all.
Just stop reading this if you hate your life.
The more sucessful my life becomes, the more uncomfortable small talk has become. I actually have caught myself lying about my life in order to appear less sucessful.
Typical situation - see someone I haven't seen for a while
Me: how's it going?
Them: It sucks. Buffalo sucks I don't have a job or just got fired, my girlfriend cheated on me, and my landlord sucks.
Me: Oh, that sucks.
Them: How about you?
Me: (quick, think of all the bad crap that has happened - blank) I didn't finish writing my thesis yet?
Insert: Talk about the weather or food
Them: Ya, we really need to get out of this town.
My advice is to just wait it out, times change.
That is way too funny.
Most of my life I actually had to "White Lie" it or my favorite; just remaining silent and letting them assume things but not correcting them on it, just nodding my head going, "Yep, Yep, Yea." It was just guilt for being better off than they were.
That may make me look like a sociopath but the fact of the matter is I deal with people that live hard lives on a daily basis. Some by choice but other's by no fault of their own.
Just look at that video of that girl in Michigan that was beat up on the school bus for getting good grades. There are a bunch of people that are hurting and hopefully they don't take out their fustrations on anyone that has it better than they do.
Boy... doesn't it suck when your life is going so well that you have to lie about it so others aren't jealous? ;) Yay for you paul! See peeps- every once in a while things work out. I think we just have to wait our turn.