I am sick today. I got a sore throat over the weekend and it hurt so much today that I have a pounding headache. I would honestly rather be at work programming instead of sitting here thinking I should be working on the written portion of my final thesis for grad school. I know this is a recurring story but it depresses me on so many levels. The worst of which is how I failed to arrive at my goal or how Buffalo failed me. The rest of this post is not so boring I swear.
I started reading some more of Howard Rheingold, "Smart mobs" in which he talks about mobile communities that have formed around the world and the effects they have on society. Lots of concentration is on mobile networks that help users share real time information. An example was a group of people in Scandanavia that all scammed the subway (I am not promoting this) by having a cell phone network that would alert the users where the train conductors were. When you saw one, you would send a message with the location of the conductor which would then be sent to the other users.
There are hundreds of examples in his book. One of the most famous mobile socialo networking groups is called upoc

- it lets you create a mobierl social network that works similar to the tarin conductor example above. One of their most famous is a celebrity stalker mobiel network in NYC which send all the user sthe locations of NYC celebrites when other movbile users send those lcoations to the list. Exmaple, you see julia roberts at a restaurent and send a message everyone else gets it and rushes to her. Freaky and scary - i think.
The one thing I have hated about living in Buffalo is the lack of public willing to accept mobile internet. I really don't understand it at all. I provides the benefits of instant information access with benefits of social networks. Something as simple as being able to look up a recipe at the grocery store, or to record an event as it is happening.
Being horrified that I was a super failure by not being able to create a mobile network I decided to check out upoc communities that were centered around buffalo. There were not very many and the ones that were had few users and even fewer messages. The largest group was of course one that sent messages about the bufflao bills.
Even crazier is that there was a mobile user group for upstate NY - yes - all of upstate - Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, Utica, etc. It had only 44 users across hundreds of miles and these were the messages:
Jun 05 10:11PM
Fr: cliffr39
dude chill out with the whorin 4 times in 3 hours is aggressive
Jun 05 10:05PM
Fr: Supermanmax
Any cute white single moms here?
Jun 05 10:04PM
Fr: Supermanmax
Any cute white single moms here?
Jun 05 7:49PM
Fr: Supermanmax
Any cute white single moms under 30 here?
Jun 05 7:48PM
Fr: Supermanmax
Any cute white single moms under 30 here?
Jun 04 4:05PM
Fr: Supermanmax
Any cute single white moms under 30 here?
Jun 03 9:28PM
Fr: Supermanmax
Any single white mom here in her 20s?
So maybe Buffalo just isn't ready for something like this. But why? That is a question I really just cannot answer. I really wanted to build a mobile empire, a temporary reality layered on top of the city, in which people shared their lives and and radically changed each others perception of local community. Instead we have a journaling community which shares many of the same benefits in terms of building community but has gotten all of these people stuck at their computer screens.
Although, the average user of estrip.org has not reached the level of mobility/portability that I desire, it has laid the foundation for a community which continues to grow and adopt new technologies as they become available and afforable - ultimately helping to make these technologies socially acceptable in a mobile technology unsavy town.
Ironically, I made plans from my phone in the chat to meet
(e:joshua) and
(e:libertad) right after this. Maybe it does work, but I am th emobile link, lol.
Yeah! Estrip can be the new microsoft! What a great idea... I dunno- if I could be surgeon-in-residence and live on lincoln parkway I might be convinced to stay... ;)
ummm....we are not going to be reading about you bazillionaires...cuz all of us estripers will be working for you and we'll all be millionaires...and everyone will live happily ever after. the end.
I remember when I had my house in Texas and renewed my insurance I got some special disclaimer that it doesn't cover acts of war, because my ins company did the twin towers or something. Just a random thought..not entirely relevant, but your patriot act reminded me.
I wanted to see the show too. GOd doesn't want me to get to the square. I was marooned at a work thing at the Ballpark and couldn't weasel out of it until almost 8:30. I bet if I'd getto the Square, I'd ya know see people