This is a windowsill in a bedroom

It's so annoying to me. I am getting very nervous about the situation because they are serious cat scummers and I need time beofre I can even live in the house. There house is coated in cat hair in the nastiest way you could imagine. It is necessary that I have plenty of time to clean it out during the warm months when the windows can be open. When measuring the other day at the house, I opened up a furnace vent and found a cat hair matt the size of about a basket ball. Everything is sick and disgusting liek that. The whole house has that nasty cat amonia smell. NOw I know you all know how much I hate cats, but even for a cat lover this house is pushing it.
The other thing is that these people have so much freakin stuff, that even if they find a place and move, it is going to take forever. This is really bad because I cannot live there while any of there stuff is there. I don't want them to leave anything. Not even a doormat. They simply have to go and all their crap too.
I mean who keeps a filthy litter box in the fucking dining room. It pretty much smells like the cats just piss on the rugs.
I though we would have plenty of summer time to tear out all the carpets and clean but now he is taking his time as the contract said the closing date is July 11th. Then he made it sound like he might be ready in september or something. I am so freakin angry about this right now.
He also took an old sink that matched the house and replaced it with a new modern one. He had to do it for his ailing mother who lives there but he made it sound like he was gonna tak ethe original sink with him. The laywer said he can't do that.
On another note, what is up with the weather today. It was basically snowing with hail, followed by sunny sky. I heard in Cheektowaga there was a tornado, it even flipped a truck

Followed by Sun
I also have a cyst in my arm that hurts. I think I am falling apart.
First of all - I am absolutely beside myself that somebody would have a fucking kitty litter in the living room. That is beyond disgusting, psycho-unable-to-handle-real-life type of shit.
Sorry to hear about your situation with the house - common sense says that because a move-in date was mutually agreed upon that it MUST stand and they have to be out. The law and common sense don't necessarily go together unfortunately. I'm sure that things will turn out your way... I wouldn't worry too much.
Paul- My mother is a real estate agent. If you have any questions about where you legally stand, I can give you her number. Good luck!!
P.S. I hate cats too ;)
There is no contingency and she told me she could declare time is of the essence. I cannot ait until its over. She told me to try and work it out with him first before she has to take legal action.
I hope your closing isn't contingent on his finding a place to move to. If it is, there isn't much you can do.
If your contract specifies "time is of the essence" and there are no other contingencies you can force a closing in about a week, if memory serves.
You need to talk to your lawyer, he or she should be able to tell you where you stand legally and what your legal options are.
I think Metalpeter is right...if both parties have agreed to a closing date, then the selling party (and all their stuff) is supposed to be OUT, regardless of their living situation...I know people who sold their old house and were having a new one built, got hit with last minute delays on the build and had to rent short-term for a couple of months. On the other hand, when the anger cools off a little, you might think about re-negotiating a later closing date, like a week or 10 days later...that way it's a little good faith on your part, and then the seller really has NO excuse at all for not getting all that shit out of there. Just an idea...
is there a penalty clause for bein late?
I'm not a lawyer but my understanding is that once a closing date is set that is it and they have to be out of the house. If there other place isn't ready to bad they have to be gone any ways and stay somewhare. It sounds crazzy I wish you the best of luck.