Paul's Journal
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06/22/2006 11:33 #32671
Meeting with the Graphic DesignersCategory: work
The one worker explained the image size in inches and the other commented, "You will have to talk to Paul in pixels."
06/21/2006 16:47 #32670
Crappy Processed Food - SpamCategory: food
The thought of it kind of makes me sick. It reminds me of this one time I thought it would be fun to eat armyt rations. I am not sure where I got them from but I think I had expired diced turkey in a black pouch. It was really bad, since then i am a little scared of processed turkey.

What about fast franks seems fresh to you?

Can't remember what Sitcom it was but there was an episode where some guy gets arested because they think he is stealing but he is just making the number of Hotdogs and hot dog buns match. Yes they are sold in differant amounts. I think that Hot Dog Idea might take off.
are you kidding me? people are too f*ing lazy to put a weiner in a bun!? they have to buy them pre-packaged like that? ugh.
paul you roll me!
06/21/2006 09:38 #32669
New Backup SystemCategory: bug
So if you publish your journal and come back and it asks do you want to restrore from the saved copy, you can hit cancel. I will fix this tonght as it should automatically clear after you publish By hitting cancel it deletes the temporary backup text from memory.
06/18/2006 22:25 #32668
Long Weekend of Family EventsCategory: summer

(e:shawnr) brought over his Nintendo DS - playing it was fun.
I ended up having a long weekend of family events. On Saturday, (e:matthew)'s mother had a birthday party at her cabin near chataqua and on Sunday it was father's day at my parents.
I did a lot of surebertCom's documentation in the car on the way down to the cabin. 90 degrees with a hot laptop on my lap. I think that constitutes extreme programming.

Here is a little video of the cabin area, (e:matthew)'s grandma and the fire pit.
They found this well on the property. It was a fun evening although everyone was a little crazy drunk while I had to be the designated driver.

This morning (e:terry) and I spend several hours cutting the bushes and gardening at our rental property. We probably would have done more if (e:matthew) had joined us.

We paid $5600 to paint the freakin house. You think they could have matched the top of the window sill.

For father's day at my parents we played Win, Lose or Draw. I am sure I hate that game. I enjoy drawing and guessing. That is why I like pictionary. But Win, Lose, or Draw sucks. One of the phrases was "Don't try crossing the river until you know if you can tread the tide." How do you draw that?
The answer was "stag party"
Juneteenth - I didn't make it to the Juneteenth festival this year. I had really wanted to go before all the family parties popped up for the weekend. I figure now that I plan on living in Buffalo the rest of my life, I will have plenty more chances, although I guess every year it will be (e:matthew)'s mother's birthday and father's day. To bad there were two shooting events at it. I think that is exactly what scares away people from visiting the event. Did anyone end up going and take pics? Here is a quote from the Buffalo News:
Price said, "More people from other walks of life and ethnic backgrounds are coming to feel this festival is for everybody. They're starting to feel very comfortable, just like we do when we go to the Italian Festival or Allentown - we feel like we are a part of it."
The festival was not without its problems, however. Gunshots were fired in two separate incidents Saturday. The first occurred about 2:30 p.m., when a city youth fired a gun above a crowd. No one was hurt, and police identified the shooter as Pierre Martin, 19, of Buffalo. He was charged with menacing and possession of a weapon.
Between 6 and 7 p.m., two teenage males were shot on the west side of the park wading pool. One was struck in the hand; the other in the buttocks, police said. Both were brought to Erie County Medical Center. Felicia Stanley of Buffalo was working the New Testament Revival Church Tent at the edge of the pool when the shots were fired. While she said she was concerned for her sons, the aftermath led her to feel frustration over the violence.
juneteenth is actually a pretty great fair. There's lots of good food, cultural exhibits, music and dance. I took an impromptu african drumming class there two years ago. It's an african american celebration commemorating the end of slavery that has sort of evolved into just an african american celebration, but all are welcome (witness this pasty face white guy has shown up more than a few times. Both it and the Jazz festival in August turn the MLK park into a largely fun place, except for moments like Paul reported.
sorry to be ignorant here, but what's juneteenth?
06/17/2006 13:19 #32667
A Quick overview of Paul's StoryCategory: life
Paul I will like to know you more as in where are you from and the kind of work you do?
I grew up in Kenmore, NY. (MAP TO: 309 TREMONT AVENUE)
It is Buffalo first suburb right at the North edge of the city. I attended Roosevelt, Kenmore Middle, and Kenmore West. As a young adult, my favorite hobbies were hiking and raving. By the time I was 18, I was ready to leave Buffalo the first chance I got. I actually hated it here and thought I would never come back. Not because I didn't love my friends or family but because I thought there was no hope for getting a cool job and I really wanted to see other warmer places.
I immediately attended Winthrop College

I thought I was going to be a tortoise doctor but I couldn't deal with dissecting any more animals and ended up becomming vegan. Three fetal pig dissections and I had had it. I started studying German Language and got a scholarship to go to Flenburg, Germany for a year. It is a small town in Schleswig Holstein. I loved living there and had the best time learning German.
When it was time to come home, Winthrop had dropped there German program and I had to find a new shcool. They hadn't told me until I got there, so my parents and I had driven from Buffalo to South Carolina and then had to come back. It was too late for me to go to school in Buffalo, so I took a year off and worked as a temp at various horrible jobs including a day as a tech guy at a fatcory where they burned formaldyhyde to make other chemicals. You got to love Niagara Falls. I continued studying German on my own and applied for school at Northern Arizona Univeristy where a friend of mine from Winthrop was going to school. Amy Adams, I wonder where she is now?
While there I got really into computers and programming while working as a lab assistant in the Language Learning Center under the direction of Bernd Conrad

Soon I met (e:terry) at NAU. I was determined to go back to Germany, so he and I packed up and left for Germany in 2000 and stayed in Jena, Germany at the Frederick Schiller University. I took a class on language software development and really thought that was going to be in my future.
When I graduated and we got home to buffalo I had no money. I saw a job in the paper for a Multimedia Assistant at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY. I ended up landing the job and it pretty much ruined me financially, working for about $16,000/year at a school where the student paid more than $20,000/year for school. I would teach a class for about $2,700.
I also became an Adjunct Professor of 3D modeling and web programming.
Somewhere in here (e:twisted) came into my life.
My boss at Canisius told me to get my MFA so that I could apply to be a full-time staff member. I started working on my MFA in 2003 at the University of BUffalo. There I studied Virtual Reality at first. I was really excited with it because it combined 3D modeling with web and networking. Unfortunately, it seemed to generally inaccessible to the public to make it very interesting for long. I initially had envisioned it as a great tool for language learning as it would allow a sort of tele-immersion.
In 2001, I met (e:matthew) and he and (e:terry) and I became a triple and still are today.
I quickly switched to my focus to web programming and found it was my favorite thing in the world. In 2003, I founded as my thesis project. It continued to grow a lot and at the same time allowed me a stage to test all kinds of new code out with a large audience. It also broaded my social horizons considerably by allowing me to create my own tool for social networking.
It also started me documenting just about all of my life. At this point I have written over 2000 journals and uploaded over 300 media files. If you really want to know everything that happend in between, you can read my journal. I docuemnt just about everything I do that is of any interest and even things that aren't ;) I became especially addicted to the web when I combined it with my multitude of cell phones - the latest one, a sprint PPC 6700, records mobile video and has huge bandwidth e.g. (e:paul,4434)
When it came time for Canisius to hire a full time professor I still wasn't finished with my MFA. I didn't get the job which I think was for the better looking back on it. When I foung out they hired some guy who didn't even have an MFA, I was really quite devastated.
Then one of my favorite students brought in an article in a classified ad for a position at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY. The job sounded like a perfect match. I applied and never expected anything to come out of it because although I am an excellent programmer with lots of experience, I had no computer science degree.
I brought in lots of code samples and talked to them about my previous work. It worked because I got the job. I love my job so much. Working at Roswell has been amazing. The project vary all the time. Th elast thing I designed was a web based image manipulation and annotation program for the dermatology department. It was a replacement for the polaroid/manilla folder system they used to use.
Now I am working on an online employee evaluation system and the have taken over development of the intranet. One of the biggest focuses of my recent work has been an extensive clientside javascript library that will be used by the other team members in order to standardize our javascript and add many convenient widgets to our UIs.
The job pays me enough that I could buy a mansion (e:paul,4343) , well at least, in Buffalo. So I think I will probably end up being here forever, unless someone offers me more than 100,000 a year and moves me.
In 2006, artvoice

This is my portoflio but kind of outdated a bit

So hopefully that answers your questions.
About the Ghosts
In response to (e:shawn):273 I dreamed about ghosts all night long. In my dream the radio tower fell on our house and it disturbed the ghosts. Ironically, they lived in the closet and were black and white. In the dream (e:terry) refused to stop playign warcraft to come see them and (e:matthew) wouldn't believ me. Tehy gave me the choice of going into the closet and becomming one of them or them coming out, but then we would have to house them. I had them come out, they turned color and suddenly we went from a threesome to a ssixsome. It was one of the longest dreams I had in my life I think. I rememeber trying to tell my mother, who knows I am an athiest, that I now believe in ghosts and that they are coming over for dinner and she will have to cool for them, lol.
Wow, I'm a historical footnote. I guess that's better than being a hysterical one, haha.
thanks for sharing a bit of Pauls story ;)
The idea of ghosts kinda freaks me out. I was thinking of finding an over night haunted house excursion-- perhaps we have one already, once the three of you move to your new place? yikes.
Thanks for all that detail Paul. I knew you lived here and went to Germany but didn't know all the details.
On a side note you can belive in Ghosts and in Angles also and still not belive in god. Just because there isn't a god dosn't mean we don't have a soul. There is a claim that if there is enough Electircty in the air and there is a verry violant murder that the death can be recorded in the air and that it can play at certain times. Not sure if I belive that has ever happened but it is a theory. If the thing that seperates living things and things that are dead is soul or some kind of energy then there is no reason that once someone dies that the enegry is realesad and sometimes can be seen.
paul i saw your hottie-hot-hot cousin out last night... I was going to tell him that I met you and Mike, but in the end I didn't b/c (e:strip) would come up and he's from work and I'd rather not have work people finding my journal these days...
you're so fucking cool Paul!
Well, that's the stereotype. Most programmers I know would look down their nose at "design" work.
Paul I think is a rare breed in this respect, because of his extensive art knowledge and experience.
I absolutely cannot stand the word "design" used in conjunction with programming. They are two separate jobs! At least they used to be, in the good ol' days. =)
Sometimes I try to talk in CSS and am saddened when no one understands me.
I get that too, but it's cool- If you let on, you'll end up having to do all kinds of graphics work in addition to the stuff you get paid for.
- Z