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06/23/2006 14:22 #32672

Quick Update
Category: mobile
Just finishing my lunch break and had some stuff on my phone to post.

1. Good news, we signed one mortgage on our commerical property and the seller on the mansion finally signed the contract. Look like starting July 9th, we will have a mansion and join the Linwood Block Club.


2. What is up with Genesee Street by Eddie Brady's.

Why has no one developed this area and what is the deal with the old photo gallery glass room. Was anyone in it? It seems like such a viable location being right at the end of chipewa.





3. Finally went the doctors and and going to get my problems resolved after 5 years of dealing with pain.


4. What is this kin d of bug, there were lot so of them outside yesterday.






metalpeter - 06/24/06 18:33
Glad the house is offical now. In terms of that building I think it is verry cool. No idea why it hasn't been developed it looks like someone started and then stoped. That is also a tricky area. It is kinda on the outsirks of downtown and into the eastside. Hopefully those buldings will beocome something and the coblestone distract will grow as well. That one building is really cool. I think that would be an amazing window to look out of.
mrdt - 06/24/06 17:31
it looks like a flying ant...
leetee - 06/23/06 19:13
Yay about the house!

I don't know what the bugs are either. All bugs are evil...

Five years of pain?!? My word, i hope you can get some relief, finally. What the heck has been wrong all this time?
jenks - 06/23/06 15:39
5 years of pain? yikes paul... hope they help you out!
mrmike - 06/23/06 14:26
Congrats on the property purchase. Having a deadline pass is a good thing

06/22/2006 11:33 #32671

Meeting with the Graphic Designers
Category: work
I had a meeitng with the graphic design team at my work today. They have a webpage they want put on an interactive CD. I think they have this preconception that a programmer can't possibly have a clue about graphic design.

The one worker explained the image size in inches and the other commented, "You will have to talk to Paul in pixels."
jason - 06/23/06 09:30
Well, that's the stereotype. Most programmers I know would look down their nose at "design" work.

Paul I think is a rare breed in this respect, because of his extensive art knowledge and experience.

I absolutely cannot stand the word "design" used in conjunction with programming. They are two separate jobs! At least they used to be, in the good ol' days. =)
kara - 06/22/06 13:50
Sometimes I try to talk in CSS and am saddened when no one understands me.
zobar - 06/22/06 13:21
I get that too, but it's cool- If you let on, you'll end up having to do all kinds of graphics work in addition to the stuff you get paid for.

- Z

06/21/2006 16:47 #32670

Crappy Processed Food - Spam
Category: food
Can you believe that turkey spam cost $2.19. I find that hard to believe. It means that a can of turkey spam cost about the same as than buying a similar amount of turkey breast at the deli. That means that some poeple must just like it.

The thought of it kind of makes me sick. It reminds me of this one time I thought it would be fun to eat armyt rations. I am not sure where I got them from but I think I had expired diced turkey in a black pouch. It was really bad, since then i am a little scared of processed turkey.


What about fast franks seems fresh to you?
metalpeter - 06/21/06 19:43
Can't remember what Sitcom it was but there was an episode where some guy gets arested because they think he is stealing but he is just making the number of Hotdogs and hot dog buns match. Yes they are sold in differant amounts. I think that Hot Dog Idea might take off.
ladycroft - 06/21/06 17:36
are you kidding me? people are too f*ing lazy to put a weiner in a bun!? they have to buy them pre-packaged like that? ugh.
iriesara - 06/21/06 17:07
paul you roll me!

06/21/2006 09:38 #32669

New Backup System
Category: bug
The new backup system is more more sophisticated and can store an unlimited amount of text. The problem is that right now the stored copy does not go away when you publish and prompts you to restore when you get back to your journal. This only happens for those of you with flash 8.

So if you publish your journal and come back and it asks do you want to restrore from the saved copy, you can hit cancel. I will fix this tonght as it should automatically clear after you publish By hitting cancel it deletes the temporary backup text from memory.

06/18/2006 22:25 #32668

Long Weekend of Family Events
Category: summer
Friday night we hung out with (e:shawnr), his wife Sarah, (e:lilho), (e:thesimeon) and ate at India Gate. The evening got pretty crazy and I ended up buying - more on that soon.


(e:shawnr) brought over his Nintendo DS - playing it was fun.

::Download Flash Video::

I ended up having a long weekend of family events. On Saturday, (e:matthew)'s mother had a birthday party at her cabin near chataqua and on Sunday it was father's day at my parents.

I did a lot of surebertCom's documentation in the car on the way down to the cabin. 90 degrees with a hot laptop on my lap. I think that constitutes extreme programming.


Here is a little video of the cabin area, (e:matthew)'s grandma and the fire pit.

::Download Flash Video::

They found this well on the property. It was a fun evening although everyone was a little crazy drunk while I had to be the designated driver.


This morning (e:terry) and I spend several hours cutting the bushes and gardening at our rental property. We probably would have done more if (e:matthew) had joined us.



We paid $5600 to paint the freakin house. You think they could have matched the top of the window sill.


For father's day at my parents we played Win, Lose or Draw. I am sure I hate that game. I enjoy drawing and guessing. That is why I like pictionary. But Win, Lose, or Draw sucks. One of the phrases was "Don't try crossing the river until you know if you can tread the tide." How do you draw that?

::Download Flash Video::

The answer was "stag party"

Juneteenth - I didn't make it to the Juneteenth festival this year. I had really wanted to go before all the family parties popped up for the weekend. I figure now that I plan on living in Buffalo the rest of my life, I will have plenty more chances, although I guess every year it will be (e:matthew)'s mother's birthday and father's day. To bad there were two shooting events at it. I think that is exactly what scares away people from visiting the event. Did anyone end up going and take pics? Here is a quote from the Buffalo News:

Price said, "More people from other walks of life and ethnic backgrounds are coming to feel this festival is for everybody. They're starting to feel very comfortable, just like we do when we go to the Italian Festival or Allentown - we feel like we are a part of it."

The festival was not without its problems, however. Gunshots were fired in two separate incidents Saturday. The first occurred about 2:30 p.m., when a city youth fired a gun above a crowd. No one was hurt, and police identified the shooter as Pierre Martin, 19, of Buffalo. He was charged with menacing and possession of a weapon.

Between 6 and 7 p.m., two teenage males were shot on the west side of the park wading pool. One was struck in the hand; the other in the buttocks, police said. Both were brought to Erie County Medical Center. Felicia Stanley of Buffalo was working the New Testament Revival Church Tent at the edge of the pool when the shots were fired. While she said she was concerned for her sons, the aftermath led her to feel frustration over the violence.

mrmike - 06/19/06 08:24
juneteenth is actually a pretty great fair. There's lots of good food, cultural exhibits, music and dance. I took an impromptu african drumming class there two years ago. It's an african american celebration commemorating the end of slavery that has sort of evolved into just an african american celebration, but all are welcome (witness this pasty face white guy has shown up more than a few times. Both it and the Jazz festival in August turn the MLK park into a largely fun place, except for moments like Paul reported.
jenks - 06/18/06 23:17
sorry to be ignorant here, but what's juneteenth?