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06/25/2006 16:32 #32674

Freakin Pouring Out /Slut Dogs
Category: mobile
Went to the Buffalo Hatch again with (e:mathew) and (e:terry). We saw (e:metalpeter) while there and hung out wioth him for a couple hours while we toured around the Hatch.

We went down to the beach part and I put me feet in the water only to look like 15 feet in front of me to see this half burried 50 gallon drum.


For some reason they have men's showers here. Who uses them? Did you used to be able to swim here?


I think this should be the univeral symbol for moblog.


At the hatch they have this map of the new plan for the Buffalo waterfront. There are areas for each ethnic group. Including even new carribean. They seriously have just about every ethnic group listed, new italy, new africa, new poland, etc but they forgot new ireland. Kind of surprised me considering Buffalo's history.


I think it is really digusting how all the fancy motorboats put so much oil in the water. There really should be some way of preventing this. It is mega digusting, there were all kinds of fish and birds playing in this.



Went to home depot to buy some stuff for the house and saw these new Disney rooms for kids that have the beds built into the walls.


Afterwards, we headed over to Target and they have a new series of slutty dog clothes. These clothes are really for dogs. I think it would be great if they had matching owner outfits.




I finally drank some ultra expensive fiji water. I would have the say it was the purest scam I ever experienced. I drank it and desani and the same time, and it tasted no different. They both have the same plastic aftertaste. I relaly think if it is "so" pure it should come in glass instead of plastic.

Pineapple plants are smaller than I expected.

EVerythign that look sfancy at Home Depot is made out of plastic. They even had plastic chandelliers. My thoughts on this is if you need a plastic one, maybe you don't need one.


Mike and I went out to get some electronic hookups for our old fashioned audio recording device. We are transcoding hundred of hours of audio from our family. I will post it to the web when I get it done.


It was pouring out, glad I missed the parkside garden walk.

::Download Flash Video::

kara - 06/25/06 21:59
The men's and women's showers are for slip holders - the marina gives out key cards to them.
theecarey - 06/25/06 20:58
"Make your pooch look like a hooch with the new Target line of Slutty Dog clothes"

"when you're walking the streets.."

"who says you cant teach an old dog new 'tricks'?"

hehe. Dog clothes? I lift my leg to that one.

now, the bed in the wall looks fun; I would have one.
mike - 06/25/06 16:39
haha besides forgetting new Ireland I love that like there is new germany, new italy etc, and then new africa. As if Africa (a continent) is the same as italy (a country). Why isn't there like a new Kenya, new South Africa etc. or just a new Europe. funny..

06/24/2006 13:44 #32673

Drinking and Driving
Category: trash
I decided to clean the car out today in preparation of the upcomming move to the mansion and found so many bottles of drink in the car. No, non eof them are alcoholic ones but still. I think I have a problem - I need to start just buying larger sizes. Too bad every vending machine and cafeteria only has the tiny size.


My arms are getting bigger. I am deciding to concentrate of them for a while. I wish they would look like this when I am not flexing.


Okay, back to cleaning.

mrdt - 06/30/06 04:17
I think your arms look great but you need to concentate on your chest and back (pushing and pulling), like me.

06/23/2006 14:22 #32672

Quick Update
Category: mobile
Just finishing my lunch break and had some stuff on my phone to post.

1. Good news, we signed one mortgage on our commerical property and the seller on the mansion finally signed the contract. Look like starting July 9th, we will have a mansion and join the Linwood Block Club.


2. What is up with Genesee Street by Eddie Brady's.

Why has no one developed this area and what is the deal with the old photo gallery glass room. Was anyone in it? It seems like such a viable location being right at the end of chipewa.





3. Finally went the doctors and and going to get my problems resolved after 5 years of dealing with pain.


4. What is this kin d of bug, there were lot so of them outside yesterday.






metalpeter - 06/24/06 18:33
Glad the house is offical now. In terms of that building I think it is verry cool. No idea why it hasn't been developed it looks like someone started and then stoped. That is also a tricky area. It is kinda on the outsirks of downtown and into the eastside. Hopefully those buldings will beocome something and the coblestone distract will grow as well. That one building is really cool. I think that would be an amazing window to look out of.
mrdt - 06/24/06 17:31
it looks like a flying ant...
leetee - 06/23/06 19:13
Yay about the house!

I don't know what the bugs are either. All bugs are evil...

Five years of pain?!? My word, i hope you can get some relief, finally. What the heck has been wrong all this time?
jenks - 06/23/06 15:39
5 years of pain? yikes paul... hope they help you out!
mrmike - 06/23/06 14:26
Congrats on the property purchase. Having a deadline pass is a good thing

06/22/2006 11:33 #32671

Meeting with the Graphic Designers
Category: work
I had a meeitng with the graphic design team at my work today. They have a webpage they want put on an interactive CD. I think they have this preconception that a programmer can't possibly have a clue about graphic design.

The one worker explained the image size in inches and the other commented, "You will have to talk to Paul in pixels."
jason - 06/23/06 09:30
Well, that's the stereotype. Most programmers I know would look down their nose at "design" work.

Paul I think is a rare breed in this respect, because of his extensive art knowledge and experience.

I absolutely cannot stand the word "design" used in conjunction with programming. They are two separate jobs! At least they used to be, in the good ol' days. =)
kara - 06/22/06 13:50
Sometimes I try to talk in CSS and am saddened when no one understands me.
zobar - 06/22/06 13:21
I get that too, but it's cool- If you let on, you'll end up having to do all kinds of graphics work in addition to the stuff you get paid for.

- Z

06/21/2006 16:47 #32670

Crappy Processed Food - Spam
Category: food
Can you believe that turkey spam cost $2.19. I find that hard to believe. It means that a can of turkey spam cost about the same as than buying a similar amount of turkey breast at the deli. That means that some poeple must just like it.

The thought of it kind of makes me sick. It reminds me of this one time I thought it would be fun to eat armyt rations. I am not sure where I got them from but I think I had expired diced turkey in a black pouch. It was really bad, since then i am a little scared of processed turkey.


What about fast franks seems fresh to you?
metalpeter - 06/21/06 19:43
Can't remember what Sitcom it was but there was an episode where some guy gets arested because they think he is stealing but he is just making the number of Hotdogs and hot dog buns match. Yes they are sold in differant amounts. I think that Hot Dog Idea might take off.
ladycroft - 06/21/06 17:36
are you kidding me? people are too f*ing lazy to put a weiner in a bun!? they have to buy them pre-packaged like that? ugh.
iriesara - 06/21/06 17:07
paul you roll me!