I'm sitting in the Peabody Marriott in Massachusetts. The girl at the front desk says Peabody in a very funny way but you'd have to ask me to say it for you because I can't type it.
We drove through Salem a little bit last night. It seems a cool place and I'm looking forward to going there during the day. Today we are going to Boston. We may go to the Aquarium. I saw a brochure for the Mapparium and remembered how much
(e:Mike) and
(e:Maureen) loved it. Maybe I could get there too. What a long drive it was, and I had to drive the whole way because my friend who is with me doesn't know how to drive standard. Yuck!
ps I don't think I have gone on a vacation yet that something didn't spill all over the place somewhere. Always a bottle of shampoo, or body wash, or hair gel, or something. Seriously I have a streak going. I spilled (expensive) shampoo on the backseat of my car because it was slightly open, soaking a couple bottles, a shirt, and part of a book of sheet music. It is so annoying, why don't I just check to make sure the bottles are closed all the way!?!?
pps I was invited to sing at a concert in Fredonia in February. It makes me nervous just thinking about it because I haven't sang for people in a long time. I also of course would need to look great and sound better to wow the ex. What should I do...I have like 3 months to work on it and I've been singing the songs since this summer so theoretically they should be ready but I'm already scared!!!....
Just try to avoid betting on any arrival and departure times with fellow travellers.
Sorry about the delay...
That is a very cute kitty. Is it your's?
Time to hit the Airport Bar!!!!
I had a blast leaving LaGuardia on a Sunday night 2 months ago when the bar was closing up. It is the the time between their last call and your take off is the problem.