I really love my Macbook but it definitely prevents me from going to bed early anymore. Now that I have wireless internet, I carry it with me right to bed and just chat online or browse the Internet until all hours of the night. It's been okay since I don't really have to get up for anything this week, but I wil have to start restraining myself once normal life sets back in and we actually have school. I 'm glad to have the week off but I know I will pay for it sooner or later by missing days off of some vacation or something. Ohhhh well.
Hey by the way everyone check this out...you can see how many people in the United States have the same name as you! I'm not sure how accurate it is but it's still entertaining. I think there are like 29 people who share my name...
Here's the link

Just cuz I feel like it I'm going to put up some pictures that I've taken with my Macbook - and yes there MIGHT be an effect on a couple of them...guess which ones. Goodnight everyone and I hope that everyone gets power back very very very soon.


me and (e:Mike)

me and (e:Diana)

(e:Mike) and (e:Diana) spending a snowy Friday the 13th at my house

me contemplating life...or just playing with my computer
According to the site, there are (0) people with the name Henry Winthrope.
(I usually use Sir Henry Winthrope for restaraunt reservations)
Wow, alexis is the 689th most popular first name in the US. But "no one" has my last name. (not true, I have cousins). But I guess not enough to make the list. neat-o.
There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
Go me for having a weird name!