Just a warning to everyone in Buffalo NY, Erie County, and WNY... If you're looking for a real estate lawyer...
Stay away from Dena & Joe Genovese of the Giovanni Genovese firm.
Joe Genovese is degrading to his clients, does not do his job, and is a jerk. Also, don't expect him to ever return your phone calls.
We closed on our house in November, and we have run into MANY problems since, such to back taxes not being paid, overdue bills from the previous owner... and on and on. Now we are stuck with compiling interest from unpaid bills that we were never told about.
These are ALL problems that real estate lawyers are supposed to review and clear prior to the closing date.
On our closing date, they were about 1 hour late for the closing. They neglected to do their job, AND they even got my husband's last name wrong on the deed.... so they proceeded to cross it out with a marker and write the right name in. Classy.
Mmtornow's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/08/2009 13:20 #48324
Real Estate Attorney Lawyer Genovese02/03/2009 12:24 #47617
Long time no see #2Apparently, this journal is a very public domain... My previous journal entry is now deleted.
However, I am happy to be at Roswell, and I definately want to get together with some of you for a lunch date!
See ya' all later...
However, I am happy to be at Roswell, and I definately want to get together with some of you for a lunch date!
See ya' all later...
vincent - 02/04/09 21:36
Scratch That!
You're getting 15K & it's actually the G.O.P's idea ;-)
Scratch That!
You're getting 15K & it's actually the G.O.P's idea ;-)
mmtornow - 02/03/09 18:25
Libertad- Thanks so much for thinking of us for the first time homeowner credit. We are definately going to get the credit- because we do qualify... and then we can put some of that money into sweet renovations!
Tinypliny- Thanks (again) for the welcome to the big K. I'll have to tell you what happend with all this, when I see you next...
Libertad- Thanks so much for thinking of us for the first time homeowner credit. We are definately going to get the credit- because we do qualify... and then we can put some of that money into sweet renovations!
Tinypliny- Thanks (again) for the welcome to the big K. I'll have to tell you what happend with all this, when I see you next...
tinypliny - 02/03/09 16:46
Welcome to the big K! :D
Welcome to the big K! :D
libertad - 02/03/09 14:07
I thought you and (e:dcoffee) would be interested in this if you didn't know about it already. I found it on yahoo news. It seems like a good thing if you have some kind of emergency home repair or something.
"First-Time Homeowner Credit
For those who bought a home last year or want to in the months ahead, Uncle Sam has a little present for you. This tax credit, essentially a temporary, no-interest loan, is being offered to those who bought -- or will buy -- a home between April 9, 2008, and June 30, 2009, and who didn't own a home during the three years preceding the purchase.
The maximum amount of the credit equals either 10% of the home's price or $7,500 ($3,750 if you are married, but filing separately), whichever is less. One hitch: Homeowners will have to repay the credit over 15 years by either owing more in taxes or receiving a smaller refund. So, if you claim the credit on your 2008 tax return, you’ll have to start repaying it when you file your taxes for 2010."
I thought you and (e:dcoffee) would be interested in this if you didn't know about it already. I found it on yahoo news. It seems like a good thing if you have some kind of emergency home repair or something.
"First-Time Homeowner Credit
For those who bought a home last year or want to in the months ahead, Uncle Sam has a little present for you. This tax credit, essentially a temporary, no-interest loan, is being offered to those who bought -- or will buy -- a home between April 9, 2008, and June 30, 2009, and who didn't own a home during the three years preceding the purchase.
The maximum amount of the credit equals either 10% of the home's price or $7,500 ($3,750 if you are married, but filing separately), whichever is less. One hitch: Homeowners will have to repay the credit over 15 years by either owing more in taxes or receiving a smaller refund. So, if you claim the credit on your 2008 tax return, you’ll have to start repaying it when you file your taxes for 2010."
11/01/2008 10:30 #46458
Halloween Party!(e:dcoffee) and I had a great time last night! The house looked fabulous, as usual. You guys know how to throw a good party! The time flew by too... On the way home, the car said it was 3:40am. We got some good pictures, but we havent downloaded them off the camera yet. Maybe (e:dcoffee) can.
When we move into our New HOME, we are definitely going to have a house warming party, and You are all invited of course!
When we move into our New HOME, we are definitely going to have a house warming party, and You are all invited of course!
metalpeter - 11/01/08 16:52
Glad you two both had a good time, can't wait to see the pictures.
Glad you two both had a good time, can't wait to see the pictures.
mmtornow - 11/01/08 14:34
I know, It has been a whole Year since I posted last.
We'll definitely let everyone know once we're in our house!
I know, It has been a whole Year since I posted last.
We'll definitely let everyone know once we're in our house!
libertad - 11/01/08 13:05
Wow this is your first journal in a year because your last post was about Halloween too.
Wow this is your first journal in a year because your last post was about Halloween too.
paul - 11/01/08 12:10
Thanks for coming out, glad you had a good time. Keep us posted about your house warming.
Thanks for coming out, glad you had a good time. Keep us posted about your house warming.
tinypliny - 11/01/08 10:36
It was an amazing party! I loved it. It was wonderful to see you both! For a while there, with all the posts, I admit you two seemed pretty unreal, and I was delighted to find that you totally are! Unreally perfect! :D
It was an amazing party! I loved it. It was wonderful to see you both! For a while there, with all the posts, I admit you two seemed pretty unreal, and I was delighted to find that you totally are! Unreally perfect! :D
10/27/2007 16:08 #41838
HalloweenI'm excited about the halloween party tonight! (e:dcoffee) and I will be there... probably around 9. I love getting dressed up, and this holiday is so fun.
I will just say that my costume is all about the duct tape. :-) ...Wait and see...
We'll see all you (e:peeps) tonight.
I will just say that my costume is all about the duct tape. :-) ...Wait and see...
We'll see all you (e:peeps) tonight.
mmtornow - 10/28/07 20:50
Yea, it was a fun party. Nice decorations around the house too.
I did make duct tape shoes, but didn't end up wearing them because it was pretty cold out. I wore my tall black boots instead.
Good seeing everyone at the party!
Yea, it was a fun party. Nice decorations around the house too.
I did make duct tape shoes, but didn't end up wearing them because it was pretty cold out. I wore my tall black boots instead.
Good seeing everyone at the party!
tinypliny - 10/28/07 20:40
Oh, and I missed the shoes!! Were the shoes covered in duct tape too? That would have completed the Ducttape Cinderella!
Oh, and I missed the shoes!! Were the shoes covered in duct tape too? That would have completed the Ducttape Cinderella!
tinypliny - 10/28/07 20:39
Really creative dress!! For a moment there, I had this vision of you standing in a dressmaker's parlor and being ducttaped (in a dressmaker way, and not in a I-am-going-to-kidnap-you-shut-the-hell-up way) by your friend. :)
Really creative dress!! For a moment there, I had this vision of you standing in a dressmaker's parlor and being ducttaped (in a dressmaker way, and not in a I-am-going-to-kidnap-you-shut-the-hell-up way) by your friend. :)
paul - 10/28/07 11:59
Ya, your dress was awesome. Thanks for coming out.
Ya, your dress was awesome. Thanks for coming out.
metalpeter - 10/28/07 10:41
I just wanted to say that was a cool dress it really was. I will try to get pictures up soon but I have a delay because I don't want to download them on the family computer so I have to get them on disk first.
I just wanted to say that was a cool dress it really was. I will try to get pictures up soon but I have a delay because I don't want to download them on the family computer so I have to get them on disk first.
03/08/2007 19:31 #38399
My Revolution passed awayCategory: bad news
I woke up yesterday morning to a really terrible surprise.
My and (e:dcoffee) 's young energetic 1 1/2 year old cat "Revolution" had passed away during the night on Tuesday. This was completely unexpected- she was our healthy young cat. I still have no idea what happend.
It is such a shock, and I still am wondering where Revolution is, when I am home.
She was one of a kind... we called her our little puppy, because she loved to play fetch, and she loved to go outside, and would stand by the back door and meow to go outside, even if it was 10 degrees and snowing out!
She was so small, and all white, with two beautiful different colored eyes. She had such an expressive cute face. She always looked so busy thinking about things.
So beautiful...

Revolution and Dar napping in the sun...

Revolution LOVED her daddy (e:dcoffee)

So expressive. What's she thinkin about?

And she loved that black fuzzy pillow!

Oh look! what a cute present!

Our girls. Revolution loved to play.

And of course, she was an activist, a Revolution.
I will miss her soooo much
My and (e:dcoffee) 's young energetic 1 1/2 year old cat "Revolution" had passed away during the night on Tuesday. This was completely unexpected- she was our healthy young cat. I still have no idea what happend.
It is such a shock, and I still am wondering where Revolution is, when I am home.
She was one of a kind... we called her our little puppy, because she loved to play fetch, and she loved to go outside, and would stand by the back door and meow to go outside, even if it was 10 degrees and snowing out!
She was so small, and all white, with two beautiful different colored eyes. She had such an expressive cute face. She always looked so busy thinking about things.

So beautiful...

Revolution and Dar napping in the sun...

Revolution LOVED her daddy (e:dcoffee)

So expressive. What's she thinkin about?

And she loved that black fuzzy pillow!

Oh look! what a cute present!

Our girls. Revolution loved to play.

And of course, she was an activist, a Revolution.
I will miss her soooo much
museumchick - 03/09/07 16:05
I'm very sorry for your loss. She was such a beautiful cat.
I'm very sorry for your loss. She was such a beautiful cat.
leetee - 03/09/07 09:35
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Please, accept my symapthies...
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Please, accept my symapthies...
theecarey - 03/08/07 22:31
Beautiful sprite kitty, Miss Revolution.Those pictures are a treasure. My sympathy to the three of you..
Beautiful sprite kitty, Miss Revolution.Those pictures are a treasure. My sympathy to the three of you..
jenks - 03/08/07 22:26
Aww. I'm so sorry. I know the feeling, my dog just died too. :( It sucks, no way about it. Hopefully time will soften the loss.
Aww. I'm so sorry. I know the feeling, my dog just died too. :( It sucks, no way about it. Hopefully time will soften the loss.
matthew - 03/08/07 21:22
Please accept my most sincere condolences on your loss.
Please accept my most sincere condolences on your loss.
I'm sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience with Dena & Joe Genovese. I have bought and sold houses in Buffalo three times, and they represented me all three times. I have always had nothing but good things to say about them. To be honest, though, I never dealt with Joe all that much. It seemed to me that Dena did most of the work. There were times when she didn't always return my calls immediately, but I learned that I could just trust that she knew what she was doing and things were getting done. In all three transactions, they did get done. Dena is a little spitfire too, which I like. It was good having her on my side. One time, the people buying my house were not ready to close on the day we had scheduled. So she made the buyers pay the extra day or two worth of tax and interest that I would have been responsible for. I would DEFINITELY recommend her, but that's just my opinion based on my good experiences.