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12/18/2006 19:55 #29347

Christmas Tree
Just a pic of our Christmas tree, with our kitties thinking they are presents under the tree.

It's our First year with the full sized tree... never had enough room before. :-)

mk - 12/18/06 23:31
aww...the cats definitely make the picture complete! i hope you weren't planning on putting presents under there, because it looks like they have found a new bed.
chico - 12/18/06 20:49
Pretty tree! I like it.

11/29/2006 18:08 #29346

A lot has happened since last post.
Well I guess it's been a while since I've written.
Since last post, I have:

1. Set a wedding date: June 28, 2008. :-D
David and I have been engaged for a year now, so it was time to pick a date. Now in about 6 months, I'll have to start thinking about wedding plans... I'm excited to get married, just not really about the planning and all the work. All I know so far is that we will have a Quaker Wedding, and hopefully it will be outside.

2. Had a nice 4 year anniversary on November 17th. We made delicious Indian food at home (because we've finally figure out the secrets!) and then went to see "Reefer Madness" at the Alleyway Theater. It was pretty entertaining, and it had been a while since I had seen a live musical or play.

3. Had two nice Thanksgivings....
1st on Thanksgiving Day at David's family's. I made stuffed mushrooms... They are a lot of work, but so so good.
2nd Thanksgiving was at my family's out in Seneca Castle, on Saturday. My mom makes such a delicious and completely vegetarian thanksgiving dinner. Scalloped pototoes, stuffed mushrooms, squash, green salad, homeade wheat rolls, cranberries, etc...

Other than that, I've been working... not too much else.
I've been at my job at ECMC in the Adolescent Psych Unit for 4 months now. It's going well- I really enjoy the people I work with, and I like working in psych, and like the teenagers. It pays pretty damn well too.

It's just so crazy to go from being a full time student, surviving on a crappy part-time low paying job, never with more than $25 in the bank, to go to Working full time and bringing home a Full Paycheck. I don't know what to do with all this money. Save it I guess... for a house... for a wedding...

Oh yea, I put up my Christmas tree too- maybe a photo will come soon.
jenks - 11/30/06 13:28
A quaker wedding, how cool. :) There's a Quaker Meeting House at home (RI) that's still in use and a popular field trip destination. Did a term paper interviewing one of the (if not THE) last quaker in town. Good stuff. Congrats.
mmtornow - 11/29/06 19:48
I'm a social worker on the adolescent psyc unit at ECMC, so I do psychosocial assessments on all the patients, talk to them and do groups, and do a lot of referrals and discharge planning.

Yea, Reefer Madness was pretty funny. I actually never saw the movie, except for clips of it. I got the tickets online from the alleyway theater website.
metalpeter - 11/29/06 19:11
I admit I'm a little jealous I wanted to see it and never made it. I liked the oringal and the remake of the movie so I thought it would be interesting to see. I almost went on the 18th but I didn't really understand the entire how you get tickets thing.
carolinian - 11/29/06 19:08
I saw reefer madness on the 18th. Awesome show. Hope they put it on again.
imk2 - 11/29/06 18:54
what exactly do you do at ECMC?

11/05/2006 20:07 #29344

First entry
I'm new to Estrip here. David (dcoffee) talked me in to joining, and then urged me to write a first entry.
Seems like a pretty cool site. I think I will enjoy it, and getting to know others on here.

Had a pretty good weekend... Went out to eat at Mythos on Elmwood on Friday with David, then stopped by Hodge and got some Pinot Grigio wine... Haven't explored white wines as much previously- that one was pretty good.

Saturday, got to sleep in. Then we went out to buy robes at Amvets, because it's cold in our apt in the morning, especially when waiting for the shower to get hot. I'm quite content with mine- wore it most of the day today. We also went to FWS on Elmwood yesterday to look at coffee tables- to get an upgrade from our $6 Salvo special. We bought a sweet table, with metal frame and slate shelf, then a glass top. We had to assemble it- finally got it together at like 2 AM.

Today, we were pretty lazy, but it was very nice and relaxing.... Made pancakes and soy sausage for breakfast. Eventually we walked down to allen to buy some fancy beer at the store down there.

Im looking forward to this week, because I get Tuesday off for election day (it's a county holiday) :-) and then i get friday off for veterans day...

I'm wondering how things will turn out on Tuesday. I plan to vote all Green Party and Working Families when I can. I really wish we didn't have such a corrupt and lame 2 party system. I really think the green candidates would have so much more support with instant runoff voting, and if we didn't see government and the political system as only two parties.

I believe things will be slightly better with a dem controlled house and more democrats in govt, but it's so frustrating to see how alike most democrats and republicans really are. I was reading an article in the BuffNews earlier this week
and it was about many of Davis's views, which are appauling and completing un-Democratic... So annoying. I'm not in their district anyway, but it still sucks.

Allright, I guess that's all for now.
jasoninbuffalo - 11/21/06 18:18
You are right, we do have a lame two party system. That is why most of us who are interested in politics become disenchanted with the people we have to choose from. This lack of representation causes us not to vote, or at least not to care who really wins. Many people end up voting the lesser of two evils as opposes to someone who really wants to make a change.
leetee - 11/07/06 09:04
Welcome to (e:strip)
museumchick - 11/06/06 18:34
It's nice having you on the site!
dcoffee - 11/05/06 23:47
Yay Molly is on (e:strip)! Gee that's a sweet profile picture, you must know a great photographer. And You're talking about politics too! I'm so lucky.
imk2 - 11/05/06 22:09
welcome to the site!