My and (e:dcoffee) 's young energetic 1 1/2 year old cat "Revolution" had passed away during the night on Tuesday. This was completely unexpected- she was our healthy young cat. I still have no idea what happend.
It is such a shock, and I still am wondering where Revolution is, when I am home.
She was one of a kind... we called her our little puppy, because she loved to play fetch, and she loved to go outside, and would stand by the back door and meow to go outside, even if it was 10 degrees and snowing out!
She was so small, and all white, with two beautiful different colored eyes. She had such an expressive cute face. She always looked so busy thinking about things.

So beautiful...

Revolution and Dar napping in the sun...

Revolution LOVED her daddy (e:dcoffee)

So expressive. What's she thinkin about?

And she loved that black fuzzy pillow!

Oh look! what a cute present!

Our girls. Revolution loved to play.

And of course, she was an activist, a Revolution.
I will miss her soooo much
I'm very sorry for your loss. She was such a beautiful cat.
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Please, accept my symapthies...
Beautiful sprite kitty, Miss Revolution.Those pictures are a treasure. My sympathy to the three of you..
Aww. I'm so sorry. I know the feeling, my dog just died too. :( It sucks, no way about it. Hopefully time will soften the loss.
Please accept my most sincere condolences on your loss.